TE-Aid is a shell
program aimed to help the manual curation of transposable elements (TE). It inputs a TE consensus sequence (fasta format) and requires a reference genome (in fasta as well). Using R
and the NCBI blast+ suite
, TE-Aid produces 4 figures reporting:
- (top left) the genomic hits with divergence to consensus
- (top right) the genomic coverage of the consensus
- (bottom left) a self dot-plot
- (bottom right) a structure analysis including: TIR and LTR suggestions, open reading frames (ORFs) and TE protein hit annotation.
Pipeline overview:
- The TE (ideally, candidate consensus sequence) is searched against the provided reference genome with
- Fig 1: genomic hits (horizontal lines) are represented relative to the query (TE consensus), the y axis represent the
divergence - Fig 2: pileup of the genomic hits relative to position along the query (TE consensus)
- Fig 1: genomic hits (horizontal lines) are represented relative to the query (TE consensus), the y axis represent the
- The query is then blasted against itself in order to detect micro repeats and inversions (putative TIRs, LTRs)
- Fig 3: self dot-plot and Fig 4 (top): TIR and LTR are suggested (colored arrows)
- Bonus: a self dot-plot with
emboss dotmatcher
is also produced in an extra file
- Putative ORFs are searched with
emboss getorf
and the peptides queried against a TE protein database (distributed withRepeatMasker
)- Fig 4: ORFs (black rectangles: + orientation; red rectangles: - orientation), TE protein hits
The consensus size, number of fragments (hits) and full length copies (according to user-defined threshold) are automatically printed on the graph.
If any ORFs and protein hits are found, their locations relative to the consensus are printed in the stdout
TE-Aid has been tested on MacOSX (shell, sh, zsh) and Linux (shell, sh) support: click the "issues" tab on github or email me
TE-Aid comes from consensus2genome
that is now deprecated
TE-Aid calls NCBI blast and R from the command line with blastn
, blastp
, makeblastdb
and Rscript
commands. All these executables must be accessible in the user path (usually the case following the default install).
If not, you need to locate the executables' location and add them to your local path before using TE-Aid.
For instance:
export PATH="/path/to/blast/bins/folder/:$PATH"`
export PATH="/path/to/R/bins/folder/:$PATH"`
These lines can be added to the user ~/.bashrc
(Linux) or ~/.zshrc
(macOS) to add these programs permanently to $PATH
git clone https://github.com/clemgoub/TE-Aid.git
<user-path>/TE-Aid [-q|--query <query.TE.fa>] [-g|--genome <genome.fa>] [options]
Note. replace
with the path of the downloadedTE-Aid
-q, --query TE consensus to blast (fasta file)
-g, --genome Reference genome (fasta file)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o, --output output folder (default "./")
-t, --tables write features coordinates in tables (self dot-plot, ORFs and protein hits coordinates)
-T, --all-Tables same as -t plus write the genomic blastn table.
Warning: can be very large if your TE is highly repetitive!
-e, --e-value genome blastn: e-value threshold to keep hit (default: 10e-8)
-f, --full-length-threshold genome blastn: min. proportion (hit_size)/(consensus_size) to be considered "full length" (0-1; default: 0.9)
-m, --min-orf getorf: minimum ORF size (in bp)
-a, --alpha graphical: transparency value for blastn hit (0-1; default 0.3)
-F, --full-length-alpha graphical: transparency value for full-length blastn hits (0-1; default 1)
-y, --auto-y graphical: manual override for y lims (default: TRUE; otherwise: -y NUM)
-D | --emboss-dotmatcher Produce a dotplot with EMBOSS dotmatcher
In this example we are going to analyze some transposable elements of Drosophila melanogaster. The consensus sequences for this tutorial are located in the Example/
folder, and you will need to download the D. melanogaster reference genome (dm6). Let's go!
curl -o Example/dm6.fa.gz https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/dm6/bigZips/dm6.fa.gz
gunzip Example/dm6.fa.gz
D. melanogaster TE consensus are present in the folder Examples
Let's start with Jockey, a recent LINE element in the D. melanogaster genome
./TE-Aid -q Example/Jockey_DM.fasta -g Example/dm6.fa -o ../dm6example
Next is Gypsy-2, from the LTR lineage
./TE-Aid -q Example/Gypsy2_DM.fasta -g Example/dm6.fa -o ../dm6example