
Experimenting with alternative model stacking approaches

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains source code for a set of experiments that assess the performance of multiple approaches to model stacking with the stacks package.

The scripts in this repo benchmark the existing implemented meta-learner, a regularized linear model, against a set of proposed alternative meta-learners. They rely on a branch of the stacks package which introduces a meta_learner argument to blend_predictions, allowing for combining predictions from member models with any modeling workflow. That version of the package can be installed with the following code:


Install of the dependencies needed to run this experiment with pak::local_install_dev_deps().


The analyses folder contains a series of scripts that benchmark model stacking with several combinations of datasets and meta-learners.

The structure of each sub-folder in analyses, for a dataset called dataset, is as follows:

  • dataset/
    • prepare_dataset.R: A script that prepares data and fits a series of preprocessors and models to resamples of a dataset. Data splits resulting from this script are saved to dataset_data.RData. Model fit objects resulting from this script are saved to the candidate_fits/ sub-directory.
    • dataset_data.RData: Data splits resulting from prepare_dataset.R.
    • candidate_fits/: A folder containing model fits given some preprocessor and model on resamples of the dataset. Each of the objects are stored as a row of a workflow set, and can be row-binded together to form a fitted workflow_set object.
      • dataset_preproc1_model1.RData
      • dataset_preproc1_model2.RData
    • fit_members_dataset.R: A script that reads in each element of candidate_fits/ and fits all of them on the entire training set. The needed results from this script can then be dropped in to model stacks with fitted meta-learners as “fitted members.” Doing this step separately from the usual stacks pipeline allows for only fitting each base learner on the entire training set only once, rather than for each unique combination of preprocessor and model.
    • member_fits/: A folder containing model fits given some preprocessor and model on the training set of the dataset.
      • dataset_preproc1_model1.RData
      • dataset_preproc1_model2.RData
    • blend_scripts/:
      • blend_dataset_preproc1_model1.R: A script that reads in each element of candidate_fits/, row-binds them together to form a workflow set, generates a data stack using the workflow set, fits the preprocessor and model as a meta-learner to the data stack, drops in needed fitted members, and then generates some basic metrics with the fitted model stack. These metrics are saved as dataset_preproc1_model1.Rdata under metrics/.
      • blend_dataset_preproc1_model2.R

The top-level folder metrics contains the “output” from each of these experiments, a five-element list with the dataset name, preprocessor and model specification for the meta-learner, time to fit, and test set performance metrics. The files are named in the format dataset_preproc_model.RData.

The top-level folder meta_learners contains the code used to generate the proposed preprocessors and model specifications.

The naming schemes in these experiments are chosen for straightforward extensibility:

  • Run all of the data preparation scripts and workflow set fitting scripts (.R files starting with prepare_)
  • Run all of the member fitting scripts (.R files starting with fit_members_)
  • Run all of the blending + benchmarking scripts (.R files starting with blend_)

The code that I use to run the experiment is in run.R.

Proposed Meta-learners

ID Recipe Model Spec
basic_glmnet Minimal Penalized Linear Regression
basic_xgb Minimal Boosted Tree (via XGBoost)
basic_lgb Minimal Boosted Tree (via LightGBM)
normalize_bt Center + Scale Bagged Tree
normalize_bm Center + Scale Bagged Mars
normalize_svm Center + Scale Support Vector Machine (via RBF)
normalize_nn Center + Scale Multi-layer Perceptron (Neural Network)
pca_bt Principal Component Analysis Bagged Tree
pca_bm Principal Component Analysis Bagged Mars
pca_svm Principal Component Analysis Support Vector Machine (via RBF)
pca_nn Principal Component Analysis Multi-layer Perceptron (Neural Network)
renormalize_svm C+S, PCA, C+S Support Vector Machine (via RBF)
renormalize_nn C+S, PCA, C+S Multi-layer Perceptron (Neural Network)