
Source code and slides for "Fairness in Machine Learning" at the SLC RUG

Primary LanguageSCSS

A poster displaying the talk title, "Fairness in machine learning," as well as my name and username. Beside the text is a set of six hexagonal logos, showing hex stickers for selected tidymodels packages.

This repository contains source code and slides for the talk "Fairness in machine learning" at the Salt Lake City R User Group in December 2023.

  • The slides for the talk are available here.
  • The example analysis that these slides are based on is available here.
  • Another example analysis demonstrating a fairness-oriented modeling workflow is here.

To learn more about data science and machine learning with R,

These slides use the development version of some tidymodels packages. To install the packages needed to run this code yourself, use the following R code:

# if needed:

# install the tidymodels meta-package

# install the development versions of yardstick and tune
pak::pak(paste0("tidymodels/", c("yardstick", "tune"))

# install the source data

In this repository,

  • index.qmd contains the source code for the slides. The slides use images in the /figures directory.
  • /docs is auto-generated from index.qmd. Content in that folder is likely unhelpful for a human reader, and is better viewed at the links above. :)