
Cancels HTTP requests with the Abort API. Bring your own Fetch API implementation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cancels HTTP requests with the Abort API. Bring your own Fetch API implementation.

🤔 Should I make this a proper package and publish it to npm?


  • Node.js >= v16.0.0

Note: This library won't be needed in future versions of Node.js which support AbortSignal.timeout.


npm install github:simonplend/fetch-with-timeout


 * This could be any implementation of the Fetch API.
import fetch from "node-fetch";

import { createFetchWithTimeout } from "fetch-with-timeout";

const fetchWithTimeout = createFetchWithTimeout({ fetch, timeout: 100 });

try {
	const url = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts";
	const response = await fetchWithTimeout(url);
	const responseData = await response.json();

	console.log({ responseData });
} catch (error) {


  • Throw a custom error instance e.g. FetchTimeout
  • Add tests
  • Add types
  • Improve the README
    • Link to James Snell's article
    • Link to my 'How to cancel an HTTP request in Node.js' article
    • Link to my NodeConf Remote talk
  • Publish to npm