
Python solutions for the codewars.com katas.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Coverage Status Python Version

Codewars - Python Solutions

Project structure and README copied from the great the-zebulan/CodeWars. My solutions for Codewars problems are written using Python 2.7 and unittests are run using pytest.

  • Codewars supports Python 2.7.6 and Python 3.4.3.
  • Since Python 3 support is relatively new to Codewars, a lot of the Python katas are only available for Python 2.

Codewars Rank

8 - 7 kyu │ Beginner
6 - 5 kyu │ Novice
4 - 3 kyu │ Competent
2 - 1 kyu │ Proficient
1 - 5 dan │ Expert
5 - 8 dan │ Master

Repo Structure

There are two main directories in this repository, katas and tests.

├── katas
│   ├── incomplete
│   ├── kyu_3
│   ├── kyu_4
│   ├── kyu_5
│   ├── kyu_6
│   ├── kyu_7
│   └── kyu_8
└── tests
    ├── kyu_3_tests
    ├── kyu_4_tests
    ├── kyu_5_tests
    ├── kyu_6_tests
    ├── kyu_7_tests
    └── kyu_8_tests

For each completed kata, there is a corresponding unittest file.

├── katas
│   ├── kyu_8
│   │   ├── add_length.py
└── tests
    ├── kyu_8_tests
    │   ├── test_add_length.py