
Linux Terminal Game

Primary LanguageC

Linux Terminal Game

Code created during recording the Linux Terminal Game from Scratch video series.


Linux Terminal Game from Scratch I - Termios, ANSI Escape Codes

Linux Terminal Game from Scratch II - Game Loop, Rendering, Level Loading

Linux Terminal Game from Scratch III - Gameplay

Linux Terminal Game from Scratch IV - Tests, Rendering, Colors, Animations


Just a C compiler :)


gcc -std=gnu17 -Wall -Wextra -O2 ./game.c -o game



Implementation Stages

Stage 1

  • Non-canonical input mode
  • Turning off echo
  • Proper reset on exit (both for normal exit and abnormal exit)
  • Rudimentary game loop
  • Grab the arrow keys
  • Print them out (e.g. RIGHT)

Stage 2

  • Empty level with borders
  • Player can walk around within the borders

Stage 3

  • Optimize rendering
  • Optimize game loop

Stage 4

  • Load up level from a file

Stage 5

  • Gameplay

Stage 6

  • Tests

Stage 7

  • Rendering
  • Colors
  • Animations?


Game Elements

@ - Player Character
X - Wall
$ - Gems / Gold
O - Rock
. - Earth
  - Space/Empty
E - Exit


  • Player can dig a tunnel through Earth
  • Rocks/Gems fall down if there is space below them
  • Rocks/Gems falling on Player ends the game -> Lose Scenario
  • Player entering Exit ends the game -> Win scenario
  • Player can't go through Wall, Rock
  • Player can collect Gems

Composite Rules

This is stable


This is unstable -> Top rock rolls to the left

. O..
. O..

This is unstable -> Top rock rolls to the right

..O .
..O .

However, this is stable

.O ...

Rocks and Gems behave similarly in most of the time. For example, a Gem can kill the player if it falls on its head.

Player can push a rock horizontally if there is empty Space behind the Rock. In the scenario below, the Player can push the rocks right or left.

.. O@O ..

General Game Requirements

Display Graphics

  • Low resolution
  • ASCII characters (subpixels, textures)
  • Colors (foreground, background)
  • Move the cursor's position freely

Input Handling

  • Canonical Mode - line based
  • Non-Canonical Input Mode - More control over input
  • RAW Input Mode
  • Turn off Echo

Sound and Music:

  • :(
  • Terminal Bell - NO


ANSI Escape Codes

FG Color

Paremeters: R G B

printf "\x1B[:38;2;R;G;Bm"

BG Color

Parameters: R G B

printf "\x1B[48;2;R;G;Bm"

Moving the cursor

Move Cursor To (x, y) - Upper Left Corner is (1, 1) Paremeters: X Y

printf "\x1B[Y;XH"

Clear Screen

printf "\x1B[2J"

Hide Cursor

printf "\x1B[?25l"

Show Cursor

printf "\x1B[?25h"

Reset Colors

printf "\x1B[m"