
Container for MyNewt sample apps

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

BLE Temperature Sensor


This is a skeleton for an Apache Mynewt project implementing a temperature sensor. You will need the Apache Newt tool, as documented in the Getting Started Guide.


The source files are located in apps/ble_temp_sensor:

  • pkg.yml contains the base definition of the app
  • syscfg.yml contains setting definitions and overrides
  • src/main.c is the main entry point of the application
  • src/temp.c implements the temperature sensing functionality
  • src/gatt_svr.c implements the basic BLE GATT server functionality

The available targets are specified in targets/.


  1. Download and install Apache Newt tool.

  2. Download the Apache Mynewt core and package dependencies:

    $ newt install
  1. To build a given application target:
    $ newt build <target>
  1. To create an image suitable for flashing a target board:
    $  newt create-image <target> 1.0.0


To flash the target board:

    $  newt load <target>

Here is an openocd command to flash an image onto the board manually, if you prefer to know how the sausage is made (you could also use JLink for this, if you prefer):

    $ openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/nrf52.cfg \
        -c 'init' \
        -c 'reset halt' \
        -c 'flash write_image erase bin/targets/ble_temp_sensor/app/apps/ble_temp_sensor/ble_temp_sensor.img 0x8000 bin' \
        -c 'reset' \
        -c 'exit'

Here is some sample serial console output from a typical client session:

000000 [ts=0ssb, mod=64 level=0] registered service 0x1800 with handle=1
000001 [ts=7812ssb, mod=64 level=0] registered characteristic 0x2a00 with def_handle=2 val_handle=3
000004 [ts=31248ssb, mod=64 level=0] registered characteristic 0x2a01 with def_handle=4 val_handle=5
000008 [ts=62496ssb, mod=64 level=0] registered characteristic 0x2a05 with def_handle=7 val_handle=8
000011 [ts=85932ssb, mod=64 level=0] registered service 5c3a659e-897e-45e1-b016-007107c96df6 with handle=10
000013 [ts=101556ssb, mod=64 level=0] registered characteristic 5c3a659e-897e-45e1-b016-007107c96df7 with def_handle=11 val_handle=12
000018 [ts=140616ssb, mod=64 level=1] adv started
000679 [ts=5304668ssb, mod=64 level=1] connection established; status=0
001394 [ts=10890568ssb, mod=64 level=1] read value=2875
001468 [ts=11468720ssb, mod=64 level=1] read value=2875
001543 [ts=12054684ssb, mod=64 level=1] read value=2875
001578 [ts=12328104ssb, mod=64 level=1] read value=2850
001970 [ts=15390600ssb, mod=64 level=1] disconnect; reason=531