
A simple fluent API interface for accessing Zoopla with .NET.

Primary LanguageC#

Zoopla.Fluent.Api (.NET)

The Zoopla Fluent API provides functionality to retieve property information into your application.

Before you continue you will need to register for an API key from Zoopla and update the appropriate configuration file. e.g.

    <add key="ZooplaApiKey" value="#your api key#"/>

To get started with the API simply add a reference and create an instance of the Zoopla.Fluent.Api class to start accessing the services.


Initialize the Api.

 var Api = new ZooplaFluentApi(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ZooplaApiKey"]);

Get a list of properties for sale in Cheltenham.

 var listings = Api.Sales

Get a paged list of properties

 int pagesize = 25;
 int count = Api

 for(int page = 1; ((page-1) * pagesize) < count; page++)
     var listings = Api.Go(page);

Get a list of suggested locations for the search term "gloucester" from the sales or rental listings group

 var locations = Api.Suggestions("gloucester", SearchOption.SaleOrRentals);

###Sample Application

Provided is a basic console application that for a given property Id (-p) you can extract images (--ei) and floorplans (--ef).

Zoopla.Console -p ######## -o"C:\Downloads" --ei --ef


