Minimal Mistakes remote theme starter

Click Use this template button above for the quickest method of getting started with the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme.

Contains basic configuration to get you a site with:

  • Sample posts.
  • Sample top navigation.
  • Sample author sidebar with social links.
  • Sample footer links.
  • Paginated home page.
  • Archive pages for posts grouped by year, category, and tag.
  • Sample about page.
  • Sample 404 page.
  • Site wide search.

Replace sample content with your own and configure as necessary.


If you have a question about using Jekyll, start a discussion on the Jekyll Forum or StackOverflow. Other resources:

Simon notes

To run locally

  • Install ruby/gem/jekyll (some combination of
# clone repo
git clone
cd blog/

# install
bundle install

# serve
bundle exec jekyll serve

# I had an error like this:
# /jekyll/commands/serve/servlet.rb:3:in `require': cannot load such file -- webrick (LoadError)

# internet suggested to:
bundle add webrick

# then this worked
bundle exec jekyll serve