
An interactive visualization of a human heart for education purposes

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Interactive 3D Human Heart Visualization

code style: prettier

Visualization here



  • On the right top corner you can select part of the organ. This will be emphasized and on the right side a fitting wikipedia Article will be added.
  • If one organ hides another one you can remove parts of the heart to get a better look.


  • The Visualization can be rotated by dragging the mouse. For translation on Mac the CONTROL key has to be pressed.
  • If you click at one anatomical structure the visibility will be set to false.
  • To select and highlight an object and get further informations there is a menu at the top right corner.

Color scheme for the different kinds of anatomical structures

Organ structures color
Coronary arteries red
Pulmonary vein red
Aorta red
Coronary veins blue
Pulmonary arteries blue
Vena cava superior and inferior blue
Trabecular muscle saddlebrown
Myocard brown
right and left Auricle #ffc0a1
Heart valve lightblue


Libraries and Data

  • threejs
  • jquery
  • Wikipedia
  • Model: BodyParts3D, © The Database Center for Life Science licensed under CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan (Link)




This project was created for the course Visualisierung Medizinischer Daten 2 at TU Wien. It was rewarded full points.