Measure the churn/complexity ratio. Higher values mean hotspots where refactorings should happen.
- alfredwesterveldEnschede
- andreswebs
- chriscortezChicago, IL
- chrisvdpCrowdstrike
- dheeraj-jnEarth
- Digital-Coder
- dortzur
- eliostvs
- igeligel@stripe
- iulspopMontreal, QC, Canada
- JaosnHsieh
- jonasgrilleresParis
- kolezkaGdynia, Poland
- lisafrench@stratasan
- liuliangsir@w3ctech-editorial-department
- luizpedoneThread
- madoleAustralia
- meymeynardManila, PH
- nicoespeonFreelance
- nirtamir2
- pdewouters@DekodeInteraktiv
- phlppnhllngrMunich, Germany
- rantwijk@wearetheledger
- rensftw@postmanlabs
- rluederLevels
- rluvaton@bringg
- romainPrignonLyon, France
- ronnyhaaseBerlin, Germany
- sean-ocallahan@StrellaBiotech
- simonrenoultOCTO Technology
- sroccaserra@octo-technology
- stylehouse
- TahseenmLondon
- whatSocksI thought we weren't supposed to use our real names on the internet...
- wirCroatia Osiguranje
- yabab-devFrance