
PastFile is a straightforward file-sharing service that allows users to upload and share files through either the command line or a web interface.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

PasteFile 📁 📥

The service provides a convenient means of sharing files without the necessity for user accounts or a complicated setup. The accompanying code includes the server, encompassing everything you need to create your own instance.

License Lines Of Code Format check Build Check Test Clippy Check Docker Image Test Coverage Codecov

Feature highlights

  • Basic Authentication
  • Anonymous Uploads
  • File Expiration
  • Burn After Reading
  • QR code Generator
  • Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Built-in TLS Server

Run Backend Service Locally

# Clone the project
$ git clone https://github.com/robatipoor/pf
# Build the backend binary
$ cargo build --bin api --release
# Run the backend on address
$ ./target/release/api --settings api/settings/base.toml

Run Backend Service via Docker

# Build docker image
$ docker build -t pf-api:latest -f api/Dockerfile .
# Run Docker container on address
$ docker run --name pf-api --rm -p 8080:8080 \
-e PF__SERVER__HOST='' -d pf-api:latest
# Alternatively, you can pull the image from the github registry and run container
$ docker run --name pf-api --rm -p 8080:8080 \
-e PF__SERVER__HOST='' -d ghcr.io/robatipoor/pf-api:latest

How to Use

# Ping the server.
$ curl -X GET

# Upload a file and retrieve the corresponding download URL.
$ curl -s -F "file=@{file_name}" | jq -r '.url'

# Download a file.
$ curl -o {file_name}{code}/{file_name}

# Upload a file with basic authentication.
$ curl -u username:password -F "file=@{file_name}"

# Download a file with basic authentication.
$ curl -o {file_name} -u username:password{code}/{file_name}

# Upload a file and then display the QR code.
$ curl -s -F "file=@{file_name}" | jq -r '.qrcode' | base64 -d; echo

# Upload a file with an expiration time of 100 seconds (default value specified in settings file).
$ curl -F "file=@{file_name}"\?expire_secs=100

# Upload a file with a restriction on the number of downloads.
$ curl -F "file=@{file_name}"\?max_download=10

# Upload a file and specify the minimum code length in the URL path as 5 (default value specified in settings file).
$ curl -F "file=@{file_name}"\?code_length=5

# Upload a file and prevent manual deletion until expiration.
$ curl -F "file=@{file_name}"\?delete_manually=false

# Get metadata for a file.
$ curl -X GET{code}/{file_name}

# Delete a file.
$ curl -X DELETE{code}/{file_name}

Backend settings

# api/settings/base.toml
# Maximum upload size in bytes
max_upload_bytes_size = 1000_000_000 # 1GB

# Default code length in the url
default_code_length = 3

# Default expiration time in seconds
default_expire_secs = 7200

# Server configuration section
# Communication protocol (e.g., "http" or "https")
schema = "http"

# Host IP address for the server
host = ""

# Port number for the server
port = 8080

# TLS key file path
file_tls_key_path = "key.pem"

# TLS certificate file path
file_tls_cert_path = "cert.pem"

# File system configuration section
# Base directory for file system operations
base_dir = "tmp/fs"

# Database configuration section
# Path directory to the database file
path_dir = "tmp/db"

Override settings with environment variables

export PF__SERVER__PORT=8080
export PF__SERVER__HOST=

PastFile Command Line Interface

# Clone the project
$ git clone https://github.com/robatipoor/pf

# Build the CLI tool
$ cargo build --bin cli --release

# Upload a file and retrieve the corresponding download URL.
$ ./target/release/cli --server-addr "http://localhost:8080" \
upload --source-file ~/example-file.txt --progress-bar

# Upload a file with basic authentication and progress bar option.
$ ./target/release/cli --server-addr "http://localhost:8080" \
--auth "username:password" upload --source-file ~/example-file.txt

# Upload a file with an expiration time of 10 minutes.
$ ./target/release/cli --server-addr "http://localhost:8080" \
upload --expire "10 minute" --source-file ~/example-file.txt

# Upload a file and then display the QR code.
$ ./target/release/cli --server-addr "http://localhost:8080" \
upload --source-file ~/example-file.txt --out qr-code

# Download a file with progress bar option.
$ ./target/release/cli --server-addr "http://localhost:8080" \
download --destination-dir ~/example-dir/ --url-path "{code}/{file_name}" --progress-bar

# Download a file.
$ ./target/release/cli --server-addr "http://localhost:8080" \
download --destination-dir ~/example-dir/ --url-path "{code}/{file_name}"

# Get metadata for a file.
$ ./target/release/cli --server-addr "http://localhost:8080" \
info --url-path "{code}/{file_name}"

# Delete a file.
$ ./target/release/cli --server-addr "http://localhost:8080" \
delete --url-path "{code}/{file_name}"

Run tests


Todo list

  • Implement front-end app

  • Build-in support for encryption in CLI

Check code formatting and typo at commit time

cp ./scripts/git-hooks/* ./.git/hooks/


Licensed under either of


Contributors are welcome, please fork and send pull requests! If you find a bug or have any ideas on how to improve this project please submit an issue.