
Python tool to manage a Google Cloud Bucket instance.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Google Cloud Bucket Manager

Python package with tools to manage a Google Cloud Bucket instance.


pip install git+https://github.com/simonsanvil/googleBucketManager


Besides allowing you to manage the files in your bucket you can also download all files in an specific folder of your bucket to a local directory and sync them.

Check the following Google Colab for examples about how to integrate this package with your Google Colab project:

Open In Colab


Before a BucketManager class instance is created you need to have set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS in your environmental variables. See the Google docs Getting started with authentication to see how this is obtained.

from googleBucketManager import GoogleBucketManager

bucket_manager = GoogleBucketManager(bucket_name='my-bucket')

List all blobs (files) in a bucket:


List blobs in an specific folder of your bucket:


Delete a blob from your bucket:


Upload local file to your remote bucket:


Download file from your remote bucket to a local path:


Download a folder from your remote bucket to a local directory:


Connect a local directory with a remote bucket folder and sync them:


## After making changes to the specified local directory
# and you are ready to sync the remote bucket run the following 
# command to apply your local changes to the respective bucket folder