
Straw based Twitter consumer

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Straw based Twitter consumer.

This is an example of how to use Straw to handle real-time dataflow.

Updated for Straw v0.3.*

Haystack screenshot

Quck Start

Ensure you have Redis

sudo apt-get install redis-server

Ensure you have Bower

npm install bower -g

Install Haystack and it's dependencies

git clone https://github.com/simonswain/haystack.git
cd haystack
npm install
bower install

Create the config file

cp config/config.sample.js config/config.js

Edit config/config.js and enter your API keys - get them from dev.twitter.com

exports.twitter = {
  consumer_key: '',
  consumer_secret: '',
  access_token_key: '',
  access_token_secret: ''

Run the Straw topology to start data collection and processing

~/haystack$ node run

Open another shell and start the webserver

~/haystack$ node server

Open http://localhost:3000 to see some results.


Straw and Haystack were presented at JSConf.asia 2013 - Data-flow Processing for Node.JS with Straw

Dataflow programming with Straw

(This post originally appeared on Sitepoint.com - it has been updated here for Straw v0.3)

Dataflow is a programming model that has been around since the dawn of computing.

Although Dataflow has languished in obscurity for much of that time, it's finding new life in the current explosion of web scale real-time services, and is a natural fit for many of of the engineeing challenges these present.

Dataflow is a simple concept. Small nodes of code receive input, process it, and output results. Nodes are connected together, outputs to inputs, forming a processing topology.

Using Dataflow, complex problems becomes easy to reason about, systems are easier to scale and make resilient, and you can make better use of your computing resources.

Straw is a Node.JS framework that lets your implement dataflow processing in your app.


I'm going to introduce you to Straw by showing you how to mine the Twitter Firehose for data from tweets.

Because the Firehose is a continuous stream of messages, it's ideal for processing with Straw. We'll be using the free public version that only has a small percentage of all tweets. Even so, it will be plenty.

In Straw, you define a topology of Nodes. Each node has an input and zero or more outputs.

Nodes can receive messages. When a Node receives a message, it processes it with a function you write. That function can output messages that will be received by any connected nodes.

We are going to write several nodes - one to consume the raw data from the Firehose and extract the bits we are interested in, one to send each of those bits to a node that analyses them, and the actual analysis nodes.

From there, we'll push out the data to an Express server and over web sockets to our client-side visualisation.

There are a bunch of things to look at, so it's best you install the demo app, Haystack, on your local machine. This give you code to walk through and let you see Straw in action.

Once you understand how the parts fit together, you should expand on this basic demo -- fork the repo and lets see how full featured we can make it.

Haystack is on Github:


You will have to have Redis installed. If you're using Ubuntu, this will get you there quick smart:

sudo apt-get install redis-server

Or you can try Installing Redis on Mac OS X

You will also need Bower if you don't already have it:

npm install -g bower

Clone yourself a copy of Haystack to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/simonswain/haystack
cd haystack
npm install
bower install

To access the Twiter Firehose you will need to get yourself some API credentials by creating yourself an App on Twitter.

This will let your local copy of Haystack connect to Twitter's API and stream in raw data from the Firehose.

Go to https://apps.twitter.com, sign in and create a new App. The App you create will just need Read Only permissions.

Once created, visit the API Keys tab and copy values you need

Haystack comes with a sample config file. Copy it and enter your credentials from Twitter.

cp config/config.sample.js config/config.js
exports.twitter = {
  consumer_key: '{put yours here}',
  consumer_secret: '{put yours here}',
  access_token_key: '{put yours here}',
  access_token_secret: '{put yours here}'

Your local copy of Haystack should be ready to go now.

Haystack has two parts -- the Straw topology for dataflow, and the Express server for the web front-end -- So to run it you'll have to have two separate shells open:

Open a shell and run the topology

~/haystack$ node run

You should see some output as the topology starts up, then a list of @usernames as tweets come in.

Open another shell to run the webserver

~/haystack$ node server.js 
Haystack server listening on port 3000

Then visit the site on http://localhost:3000

You will see a screen with a world map pinging in tweets as they happen, a histogram of languages, and the top hashtags. This will all be updating in real-time.

Lets have a look at the dataflow and the code to make it happen.

run.js boots up our Straw toplolgy.

When we create our topology, we pass it an object describing the nodes we want and how they are connected together.

This fragment shows that consume-firehose has an output connected to a pipe called raw-tweets and a node called route-tweets receives it's input from that pipe, so any messages output by consume-firehose will be passed to route-tweets and so on through the topology.

We also pass the API details for Twitter in to the node so it knows what credentials to use. You can pass anything extra you want in to a node.

var topo = straw.create(opts);

  id: 'consume-firehose',
  node: 'consume-firehose',
  output: 'raw-tweets',
  twitter: config.twitter
}, {
  id: 'route-tweets',
  node: 'route-tweets',
  input: 'raw-tweets',
  outputs: {
    geo: 'client-geo',
    lang: 'lang',
    text: 'text'

Usually each node has one output, but route-tweets has three so it can selectively send messages to different downstream nodes.

By convention we store the code for or nodes in the nodes/ folder. We need to specify the absolute path to each node, so we use our script's __dirname to generate this.

You might notice the consume-firehose has no input. This is because it is actually introducing messages in to the topology.

A simplified version of the node looks like so:

// nodes/consume-firehose.js
var straw = require('straw');
var Twitter = require('twitter');

module.exports = straw.node({
  initialize: function(opts, done){
    this.twit = new Twitter(opts.twitter);
  stop: function(done){
  start: function(done) {
    var self = this;
      function(stream) {
          function(data) {
            // process data then output it
          function(err) {

There are two methods here that matter:

#initialize is called when the node is first created. It creates our Twitter client using the credentials we passed in.

#start is called when the topology stars up and binds a callback on incoming tweets, outputting a message in to our topology (via the raw-tweets pipe we created previously.

#stop is used by the topology to tear down any processing the node is doing.

route-tweets is a good example of a simple node:

var straw = require('straw');

module.exports = straw.node({
  process: function(x, done) {
    var self = this;

    if(x.hasOwnProperty('geo') && x.geo && x.geo.hasOwnProperty('type') && x.geo.type == 'Point'){
      console.log('@' + x.user.screen_name);
      self.output('geo', x.geo.coordinates);

    self.output('lang', x.lang);

    self.output('text', {
      lang: x.lang,
      text: x.text



The #process method is called whenever a message arrives. It examines the message (which is basically a tweet and it's metadata in JSON) and outputs parts of it to the outputs we set up.

Not all tweets contain geolocation data, so we check to see if it is present, and do a sneaky console.log to give a rough idea of activity in our topology.

The destructured tweets get routed to a few different nodes for processing. Straw runs each node in a separate unix process, so effectively this downstream work is happening in parallel.

Since Redis is being used for communication, you could run your nodes on separate machines if you wanted to.

You should take a look at the source for all the nodes to work out what they are doing. We'll have a quick look at one of the here, catch-langs.

We could be receiving a huge volume of incoming data. We will be pushing updates in near real-time to our web-based clients but we don't want to bombard them with every message that comes in.

catch-langs does this by counting up incoming languages, and then periodically emitting total counts.

When the node is run it sets up an interval to fire off the emitter.

  start: function(done) {
    this.timer = setInterval(this.ping.bind(this), this.opts.interval);

When messages come in, we bump up the count for that language, and flag that the counts have changed

  process: function(x, done) {
    var self = this;

      this.langs[x] = 0;

    this.langs[x] ++;
    this.changed = true;

Every time the interval timer fires, if our counts have changed we emit our totals.

  ping: function() {
    var self = this;
    this.changed = false;
    var msg = {};
    _.each(this.langs, function(x, i){
      msg[i] = (x / self.total);

The other nodes in the topology work in a similar manner.

So far we've consumed the data from Twitter, pulled it apart and obtained some metrics from it.

To get the data to our end-users we have to extract it from the Topology, send it over a websocket and display it. This is where the Express based webserver comes in.

Take a look at server.js. This is a pretty standard minimal Express app. It uses socket.io as an easy way to deliver data in real-time. You might also want to look at sock.js as an more modern alternative.

The interesting part of server.js is it's use of a Straw feature called Tap. A Tap lets us tap in to a Topology so we can stream data from it.

If you look at our topology definintion in run.js, you'll see there are pipes for 'client-langs` and couple of other nodes, but no consumer attached to them. These are there for our Tap to hook in to.

This is a simplified version of what we have in server.js:

var straw = require('straw');

var langs = straw.tap({

langs.on('message', function(msg) {
  langs = msg;
  io.sockets.emit('langs', msg);

This includes the Straw library, creates a new Tap from it that is connected to the client-langs pipe, and binds an event handler that will be called whenever a messages is received on that pipe. When a message is received, we push it out over socket.io.

On the client side things are dead simple in public/js/haystack.js

  var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000');

  socket.on('langs', function (data) {
    // do something

Whenever a message is received, a callback is fired on the client with whatever payload we provided in data. This gets used to draw our histogram of languages, counts of hashtags and geolocated pings on the map.

Haystack is a compact example of how to use dataflow to process incoming messages. It's not too far off how Straw is being used in the for real-world and is ideal for you to use it as a foundation for your application.

It's also easy to extend Haystack by adding more processing nodes and visualisations for them. Fork the repo and if you come up with something cool send a pull request -- lets see how comprehensive we can make this. There are a million and one ways to slice and dice the Twitter feed.

Straw came about for processing real-time futures market data and can process around 4000 messages a second on a fairly modest system. In production it has processed many billions of messages.

Because every node is run in it's own process, it's possible to scale it without too much trouble, but I think the bigger benefit is how easy it makes it to decompose your problem in to small, simple to build steps.

Give dataflow a go, and see if Straw fits what you're doing. You might also want to check out some more heavy duty solutions like Storm and Akka. Many companies are using these techniques to drive their infrastructure.


(c) 2013-2014 Simon Swain

Haystack may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
