

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Version: 0.0.0 alpha

Build Status

Messagestore is a database for storing time-series messages, grouped in to named Streams

Use Messagestore either as a library in your own app, or run it as a REST server. Methods are exposed to allow you to control the server programatically, and a script is provided to get it running it out of the box.

Messagestore uses Postgresql as it's backing database.

The schema looks something like this:

       id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
       attrs json

       id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
       stream_id uuid,
       at timestamp,
       data json

Messagestore is just a simple way of storing and retrieving messages against a known stream_id.

It is expected you will be storing references to streams elsewhere, so there is no real discovery mechanism.


All methods take a callback that is called with err and result. The signatures below use next to identify the callback.

addStream(stream, next)

stream is like this:

  id: <your-id>,
  attrs: <json>

You set choose your own id, up to 36 characters long.

attrs are optional and can be changed later.

setStream(stream_id, attrs, next)

Change a stream's attrs

getStream(stream_id, next)

delStream(stream_id, next)

countStreams(opts, next)

How many streams

getStreams(opts, next)

Get multiple streams

Streams are sorted by id

opts is required. Default values are:

  base: 0,
  limit: 100

addMessage(stream_id, msg, next)

msg is like

  at: <date>,
  data: <json>

If no at is provided, it will be set for you

countMessages(stream_id, next)

How many messages in a stream

getMessages(stream_id, opts, next)

Get multiple messages

getMessage(stream_id, msg_id, next)

Get one message

delMessages(stream_id, msg_id, next)

Release History

  • 07/09/2014 0.0.0 Pre-alpha


Copyright (c) 2014 Simon Swain

Licensed under the MIT license.