
Creation of an RDF/OWL ontology corresponding to the Ushahidi report categories used in the Haiti earthquake response

Created by: Simon Twigger
Date: January 22 2010
Software: Protege 3

Ushahidi Categories Ontology

This is an initial attempt to create a basic RDF/OWL ontology corresponding to the Ushahidi categories being used to organize information flowing in and out of Haiti. It was created by combining data from two places on the Ushahidi sites:

A post by Erik Hersman on the ushahididev blog outlining the categories : http://sitroom.ushahididev.com/index.php/2010/01/15/update-on-haiti-categorization-1-urgen/

The current online report submission page that is being used to allow submitters to categorize new reports: http://haiti.ushahidi.com/reports/submit

The current form has a few more categories than Erik's original post and they seem to have left off a few categories from the form, presumably because they are not useful at this point.