
Attributes sent to the server should be checked. This module allows you to cast data to its expected type before processing.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Attributes sent to the server should be checked. This module allows you to cast data to its expected form before processing.

How to use

Install npm module:

$ adonis install adonis-cast-attributes

Register provider

Once you have installed adonis-cast-attributes, make sure to register the provider inside start/app.js in order to make use of it.

const providers = [

Using the module:

Add trait and casts to the model:

class User {
  static super () {
      // Add the trait and casts to a model
  // add values to cast to upon set
  static get casts () {
    return {
      company_id: 'int',
      name: 'string',
      interests: 'array',
      another: 'string',

Add data to model from route:

const User = use('App/Models/User')

Route.post('/register', ({request}) => {
  const model = new User()
    company_id: "321",
    interests: ['item1','item2','item3'],
    name: 'Simon',
    another: ['1','blah','2']
    { company_id: 321,
      interests: [ 'item1', 'item2', 'item3' ],
      name: "Simon"
      another: "1,blah,2" }

Now whatever gets posted from the client will abide by the cast rules. So company_id will be coerced to an interger, name to a string (meaning if an array or some other invalid data was passed it will convert) and interests to an array.

Nested casting

You can also pass in the 'shape' a nested object you wish to cast like so:

  // ... inside model class ...
  static get casts () {
    return {
      company_id: 'int',
      name: 'string',
      profile: {
        nickname: 'string',
        birthdate: 'date',
        age: 'int'

Now when an tabulated data is sent such as profile[nickname]=simon&profile[birthdate]=1983-11-10&age=123 it will cast the nested data accordingly.

You can also pass in arrays:

  // ... inside model class ...
  static get casts () {
    return {
      company_id: 'int',
      name: 'string',
      properties: [{
        key: 'string',
        value: 'json',

Regardless of how many array values you post for properties it will abide by the first casted rule in the casts.properties array.

Casting options

The following cast types are available:

  • int,integer,real,float,double - Numbers
  • string - String
  • bool,boolean - Boolean
  • object,json - JSON
  • array - Array
  • date,datetime - Moment date object
  • timestamp - Unix timestamp

Manual attribute casting

You can use the AttributeCaster provider to manually cast data like so:

  const AttributeCaster = use('AttributeCaster')

  const values = {
    name: 'Simon',
    id: '321',
    interests: ['coding', 'sports', 'reading'],
    properties: [
      {key: 'color', value: 'red'},
      {key: 'last_ip', value: ''},
      {key: 'last_login', value: [1,2,3]}
    another: '123',
    another2: 'testing',

and then cast the values:

  const casts = {
    id: 'int',
    interests: 'array',
    properties: [{
      key: 'string',
      value: 'string'
  console.log(AttributeCaster.castAttributes(casts, values))
  { name: 'Simon',
    id: 321,
    interests: [ 'coding', 'sports', 'reading' ],
     [ { key: 'color', value: 'red' },
       { key: 'last_ip', value: '' },
       { key: 'last_login', value: '1,2,3' } ],
    another: '123',
    another2: 'testing' }

or you can ignore values that don't have a cast type set:

  const casts = {
    id: 'int',
    interests: 'array',
    properties: [{
      key: 'string',
      value: 'string'
  console.log(AttributeCaster.castAttributes(casts, values, true))
  { id: 321,
    interests: [ 'coding', 'sports', 'reading' ],
     [ { key: 'color', value: 'red' },
       { key: 'last_ip', value: '' },
       { key: 'last_login', value: '1,2,3' } ] }

or fill in missing casts when value wasn't passed:

  const casts = {
    team_id: 'int',
    registered_date: 'datetime',
    last_name: 'string',
    id: 'int',
    interests: 'array',
    properties: [{
      key: 'string',
      value: 'string'
  console.log(AttributeCaster.castAttributes(casts, values, false, false))
  { team_id: 0,
    registered_date: null,
    last_name: '',
    id: 321,
    interests: [ 'coding', 'sports', 'reading' ],
     [ { key: 'color', value: 'red' },
       { key: 'last_ip', value: '' },
       { key: 'last_login', value: '1,2,3' } ],
    name: 'Simon',
    another: '123',
    another2: 'testing' }

Built With


SemVer is used for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • v1.0.0
    • Initial release.