- 5
FileNotFoundError + PermissionError when publishing to Vercel using default command
#65 opened by quinn-p-mchugh - 6
Failed to run "pip3.9 install --disable-pip-version-check --target . werkzeug==1.0.1" | Error: spawn pip3.9 ENOENT
#67 opened by tddschn - 1
Unable to deploy using Vercel CLI 32.5.6
#64 opened by josephrmartinez - 2
Error while parsing repo data: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open $tmpdir/datasette-now-v2/.git/config
#66 opened by tddschn - 7
Bug cannot read properties of undefined
#62 opened by yejiyang - 1
Error: No such command 'vercel'.
#63 opened by swyxio - 3
--setting allow_download 0 causes a 500 error
#61 opened by simonw - 4
- 1
Use the new File System API
#52 opened by styfle - 0
Use Vercel's Build Output API
#59 opened by styfle - 10
- 4
- 0
- 1
Ensure ds.invoke_startup() runs on startup
#54 opened by simonw - 8
Query page .csv and .json links are not correctly URL-encoded on Vercel under unknown specific conditions
#53 opened by simonw - 2
Database download doesn't work
#23 opened by simonw - 2
Ability to specify a custom vercel.json
#51 opened by mroswell - 18
- 0
- 1
Signing secret not used
#43 opened by rclement - 1
Site no longer deploys
#50 opened by mroswell - 0
Datasette 0.59 broke this plugin
#49 opened by simonw - 2
`--scope teamname` option
#47 opened by simonw - 1
template directory fails on non-default path
#46 opened by pax - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 3
Usage with GitHub Actions
#36 opened by loleg - 5
UTF-8 problem
#29 opened by dofbi - 5
Escaped characters in URL paths and query strings may not be delivered correctly?
#20 opened by simonw - 9
Percentage encoded + in querystring gets lost
#28 opened by simonw - 1
- 11
- 2
Stop using "builds", switch to using "functions"
#33 opened by simonw - 0
Access Denied Error
#32 opened by QAInsights - 2
- 5
Add --setting option
#30 opened by simonw - 1
- 6
Rename this to datasette-publish-vercel
#26 opened by simonw - 1
Make compatible with Datasette 0.44
#25 opened by simonw - 0
Enable CORS
#24 opened by simonw - 0
datasette publish: error using custom template
#21 opened by aborruso - 2
- 3
--token feature doesn't work
#19 opened by simonw - 2
json1 SQLite module is missing
#16 opened by simonw - 1
- 1
- 0
- 2
Feature idea: --public
#15 opened by simonw