This is an unmodified (except removal of secrets and API keys) dump of the code now running on - the vast majority of which was developed between January and April 2008 by Simon Willison and Natalie Downe. It originally ran on Django r7400, but has recently been updated for Django 1.1. This code was not originally intended for public consumption, so there are probably one or two eyebrow raising design decisions. In particular, the machine tags stuff for user profiles was an ambitious experiment which I wouldn't mind seeing the back of. You'll want to place both /lib/ and the root of the repo on your PYTHONPATH, e.g. PYTHONPATH=/path/to/repo/lib/:\ /path/to/repo/:\ $PYTHONPATH python /path/to/repo/djangopeoplenet/ runserver ---------- TODO cleanup imports 404s: je.gif aq.gif