A website that tells you where your nearest owls are!
This is a re-imagining of the original owlsnearyou.com
, which launched way
back in January 2010 (it's now a website about lawyers). This new version uses
2018-era web technology and pulls its data from
It's built as a single page React application that loads all of its data from the iNaturalist API. You can use it to find your nearest owls via browser geolocation or you can search for a place and see the owls that have been spotted in or around that location.
Built by Natalie Downe and Simon Willison. Favicon by Cindy Li.
Technology used:
- React, using create-react-app (hence also Babel, Webpack and much other open-source JavaScript goodness)
- The iNaturalist API
- Leaflet for maps, using react-leaflet
- axios for our API requests