
An AI Planner DSL and BTN + GOAP Planner for C#

Primary LanguageC#

AIPlanner provides:

  • A C# DSL for defining a Hierarchial Task Network.
  • A HTN planner which can use the network to create a plan.
  • A runner which will execute the plan.

Define the HTN

    public StateVariable health;
    public StateVariable fuel;
    public StateVariable speed;

    PlanRunner runner;

    Domain CreateDomain()
        fuel.value = 13;

        using (domain = Domain.New())
            DefineWorldState(health, fuel, speed);

                .Conditions(fuel > 1)
                .Set(fuel - 1, speed + 1);

                .Set(health + 1);

                    .Conditions(health > 1, fuel > 10)
                    .Conditions(health == 3)

            return domain;