A python package for calculating the melting behaviour of multi-lithologic mantle
- alexwennerbergTwitch
- bknight1Curtin University
- blakedyerVictoria, BC
- brmatherUniversity of Sydney
- cardinalgeo
- chrishavlin
- Diegonando
- eazzzonRice university
- GiuliaFedrizziUniversity of Leeds
- GuimeiLu
- JianbaoSun
- johnrudgeUniversity of Cambridge
- kehoecj@Boeing
- LemonBoy68
- liangguo2019
- lixiao2
- mdtankerAntarctic Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington
- ndb38Washington and Lee University
- nihar29Home
- NswkskySapporo
- rafaelmds
- romaintilhacGranada, Spain
- SeisPiderUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- sunguochao
- suoyafanUniversity Of California, Santa Barbara
- timlichtenbergUniversity of Groningen
- wilson-kobold@KoBoldMetals
- xumi1993University of Toronto
- YuibiCity