
For Demonstration Purposes Only! The code based on the demo code of TTgo T-camera ESP32

How it is work?

The ESP32 sends images to a python server, which dectects faces on the image and sends information to ESP32. The code was written on LILYGO® TTgo T-camera ESP32 V17, but easy to modify to another version ESP32 camera board

Hopefully there is a PIR on this board, so it only sends image, when motian was detected.

Image ---> T-camera ESP32 with PIR ----- Image in UDP packets -----> python server

Image ---- T-camera ESP32 with PIR <--- Control message in UDP packets --- python server

This scenario is more precise than face detection on ESP32.

Requirement on server side:

  • Python 3
  • OpenCV 3 or higher
  • FFmpeg (Optional to save the images into .mp4 video )

Requirement on Arduino IDE side:

  • ESP32 board support
  • SSD1306 library
  • esp_camera.h library


  • Clone the repo:
    git clone && cd ESP32-camera-face-detection-with-python/
  • Install OpenCV environment or use docker: to start the container:
    docker run -itd -v $PWD/:/home/host_dir/ -p 8080:8080/udp --name opencv_ffmpeg opencv_ffmpeg
  • Start the pyton file:
    or use the started container:
    docker exec -it opencv_ffmpeg python3 /home/host_dir/
  • Modify the .ino file:

WIFI_SSID - the Wifi Access Point name, where the ESP32 is connecting.

WIFI_PASSWD - the AP password

udpAddress - the server address, where the python file is running.

udpPort - server port, default 8080

  • Upload the .ino and select_pins.h file to ESP32 board

After the first boot ESP32 gets the configuration from the server: Frame size, jpeg compression, time between the images, UDP packet size It's possible to modify this configurations without restart or flash the ESP32.