
Go program to launch and configure LXD containers and attached disk devices

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Go program that uses YAML configuration files to launch and configure LXD containers with attached disk devices.


To run the examples in a clean LXD project, t1:

lxdops project create t1
lxc project switch t1
lxdops property set zfsroot z/demo # use any ZFS filesystem that can be created with *zfs create -p*

cd ./demo
lxdops launch alp.yaml
lxdops launch dev.yaml
lxdops snapshot -s test dev.yaml
lxdops launch dev-test.yaml

home.yaml (included by other examples)

    pattern: (zfsroot)/(project/)home/(instance)
    path: /home
    filesystem: main
  • specify a /home filesystem to attach to containers

user.yaml (included by other examples)

    - name: user1
      uid: 2001
      shell: /bin/bash
      sudo: true
      ssh: true
        - wheel
        - adm
  • create a user
  • install ~/.ssh/authorized_keys by copying the calling user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

alp.yaml - launch a container from scratch

  name: alpine
  version: 3.13
- sudo
- bash
- home.yaml
stop: true
snapshot: copy
  • create an alpine container
  • create a zfs filesystem and attach it to the container
  • install the specified packages
  • stop the container after configuring
  • create a container snapshot named "copy"

dev.yaml - clone a container

  name: alpine
origin: alp/copy
device-template: alp
- home.yaml
- user.yaml

  • clone the alp/copy container snapshot
  • attach a /home directory
  • add a user

dev-test.yaml - clone a container and its attached filesystems

  name: alpine
origin: alp/copy
device-origin: dev@test
- home.yaml
- user.yaml
  • clone the alp/copy container snapshot
  • clone the dev home@test filesystem and attach it as /home
  • add the user again


lxdops launches, copies, and deletes instances.

An instance is:

  • An LXD container
  • A set of ZFS filesystems
  • A set of disk devices that are in these filesystems and are attached to the container (via a profile)

A Yaml instance configuration file specifies how to launch and configure an instance. It specifies:

  • packages to install in the container
  • LXD profiles to attach to the container
  • ZFS Filesystems to create and zfs properties for those filesystems
  • Disk Devices to create and attach to the container
  • An LXD profile to create with the instance devices
  • scripts to run in the container
  • files to push to the container
  • users to create in the container, with optional sudo privileges and .ssh/authorized_keys

Several configuration elements can be parameterized with properties such as the instance name, project, and user-defined properties. This allows test instances to have their devices under a separate test filesystem, etc.

More detailed documentation of configuration elements is in the file Config.go

LXD Project Support

lxdops has support for LXD projects and can clone instances across projects. I find it simpler to keep all my instances in a single project.

If an instance does not specify a specific project, lxdops will use the current LXD project, as specified in ~/snap/lxd/current/.config/lxc/config.yml or ~/.config/lxc/config.yml

More Examples

A more elaborate set of configuration files is provided in a separate repository: https://github.com/melato/lxdops.script

Build (requires go 1.16)

  • go get melato.org/command
  • go get melato.org/script
  • gopkg.in/yaml.v2
  • go get github.com/lxc/lxd
  • ...

  • cd main
  • date > version
  • export GO111MODULE=auto
  • go install -ldflags -extldflags "-static" lxdops.go