
Catalyst webbapp to try interactions with picasa.

Primary LanguagePerl

This file documents the revision history for Perl extension Smoke.

First version: 2010-11-09 21:51:56


A lot of this work is made to study Catalyst and try a fast way to show photos from mobile phone.

I take a pic with mobile phone, upload on picasa albums, and website gallery show it. It works.

Modules used

  • Catalyst project
  • Template::Toolkit
  • XML::Atom::Feed to manage Picasa images
  • Moose
  • DBI
  • PostgreSQL
  • javascript
    • Ajax (see root/template/wrapper)
    • jquery framework

Minimal description

I have also Pg backend for Quotes and Links and DBI interface writes ad-hoc.

XML::Feed benchmarks

Working on this webapp I found some interesting result with xml feeds (RSS/Atom).

Atom module is really more fast...

sim@idrogeno:~/dev/perl/xml$ perl test_parser.pl
           (warning: too few iterations for a reliable count)
                Rate xml_rss_libxml    default_rss        xml_rss  default_atom
xml_rss_libxml 1.79/s             --            -0%            -0%         -100%
default_rss    1.79/s             0%             --            -0%         -100%
xml_rss        1.79/s             0%             0%             --         -100%
default_atom    667/s         37147%         37120%         37113%            --

sim@idrogeno:~/dev/perl/xml$ cat test_parser.pl

use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Feed;
use Benchmark;

Benchmark::cmpthese( 100, {
   "default_rss" => sub {
   } ,
   "default_atom" => sub {
   } ,
   "xml_rss" => sub {
       $XML::Feed::Format::RSS::PREFERRED_PARSER = "XML::RSS";
   "xml_rss_libxml" => sub {
       $XML::Feed::Format::RSS::PREFERRED_PARSER = "XML::RSS::LibXML";
} );

              Rate XML RSS-ATOM XML ATOM-RSS
XML RSS-ATOM 33.4/s           --         -13%
XML ATOM-RSS 38.5/s          15%           --