
Vercel Serverless Function handler for Grant

Primary LanguageMakefile


Vercel Serverless Function handler for Grant

var grant = require('grant').vercel({
  config: {/*configuration - see below*/}, session: {secret: 'grant'}

module.exports = async (req, res) => {
  var {response} = await grant(req, res)
  if (response) {
    res.statusCode = 200
    res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json')

Also available for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud

ES Modules and TypeScript


The config key expects your Grant configuration.


The following optional routing is used in all examples:

  "rewrites": [
    {"source": "/(.*)", "destination": "/api/grant"}


You need a .vercel folder containing a project.json file in every example:



You login by navigating to:


The redirect URL of your OAuth app have to be set to:


And locally:



The session key expects your session configuration:

Option Description
name Cookie name, defaults to grant
secret Cookie secret, required
cookie cookie options, defaults to {path: '/', httpOnly: true, secure: false, maxAge: null}
store External session store implementation


  • The default cookie store is used unless you specify a store implementation!
  • Using the default cookie store may leak private data!
  • Implementing an external session store is recommended for production deployments!

Example session store implementation using Firebase:

var request = require('request-compose').client

var path = process.env.FIREBASE_PATH
var auth = process.env.FIREBASE_AUTH

module.exports = {
  get: async (sid) => {
    var {body} = await request({
      method: 'GET', url: `${path}/${sid}.json`, qs: {auth},
    return body
  set: async (sid, json) => {
    await request({
      method: 'PATCH', url: `${path}/${sid}.json`, qs: {auth}, json,
  remove: async (sid) => {
    await request({
      method: 'DELETE', url: `${path}/${sid}.json`, qs: {auth},


The AWS Lambda handler for Grant accepts:

Argument Type Description
req required The request object
res required The response object
state optional Dynamic State object {dynamic: {..Grant configuration..}}

The AWS Lambda handler for Grant returns:

Parameter Availability Description
session Always The session store instance, get, set and remove methods can be used to manage the Grant session
redirect On redirect only HTTP redirect controlled by Grant, it is set to true when Grant is going to handle the redirect internally
response Based on transport The response data, available for transport-state and transport-session only


Example Session Callback λ
transport-state Cookie Store
transport-querystring Cookie Store
transport-session Firebase Session Store
dynamic-state Firebase Session Store

Different session store types were used for example purposes only.


All variables at the top of the Makefile with value set to ... have to be configured:

  • token - Vercel Token

The transport-session and the dynamic-state examples requires your Firebase configuration to be set in vercel.json:

  "env": {
    "FIREBASE_PATH": "...",
    "FIREBASE_AUTH": "..."
  • firebase_path - Firebase path of your database
  • firebase_auth - Firebase auth key of your database
  "rules": {
    ".read": "auth == '[key]'",
    ".write": "auth == '[key]'"

All variables can be passed as arguments to make as well:

make plan example=transport-querystring ...


# build example locally
make build-dev
# run example locally
make run-dev


# deploy Grant
make deploy