
Feature Request - Generate random string for name convention

lcestou opened this issue · 3 comments

Would love to have a way to change from the default "Screenshot Capture - X..." naming convention to a random string of letters and/or numbers when the file is saved automatically.

Great extension and thanks in advance!

simov commented

I'd be curious to know what is the rationale behind this. Usually people want to have at least something humanly readable in their file name, like a date and time for example. The currently generated file names are considered to be unique as well.

Exactly the opposite of your thought and to reduce tracing. To prevent being humanly readable at first glance, even though I understand if you inspect a file it might tell you more information.

usually i have my own naming convention... so it would be nice to be able to define a custom name, at least with date time etc. and perhaps even site title, URL, domain etc. would be interesting.