- 0
Thank you 💌
#21 opened by p2edwards - 1
Arc browser support
#20 opened by FrontEndNeo - 1
Firefox support
#19 opened by inson1 - 5
- 0
#18 opened by vicspina - 1
Shortcut key to 'capture viewport' and Save Format "To Clipboard (Binary Image)" don't work on pdf URL
#17 opened by Kyokutou - 2
- 1
An opiton menu for canceling alert
#15 opened by potpot3 - 4
Option to disable Confirmation dialog
#12 opened by jazzybeat - 3
- 1
Background does not fade out
#14 opened by EvgeniyDoctor - 2
Setting default options?
#13 opened by webplusdata - 3
- 2
Custom uploader support
#8 opened by Nuckerr - 3
Unchecked runtime.lastError while running tabs.insertCSS: Cannot access a chrome:// URL
#9 opened by jetBn - 6
Some website cannot crop or wrong result
#2 opened by iamkwan - 2
Any chance to work on local files ?
#6 opened by ugurkanates - 0
- 36