
Representative models of geologic settings

MIT LicenseMIT


Representative models of geologic settings


Having representative models of geologic settings that can be populated with physical properties is essential for developing an understanding of geophysical responses, how we might image these systems and where challenges may arise. Having a standard, accessible set of models is valueable for validating simulation software. The purpose of this repository is to be a resource that contains such models.


  • Representations of simple geologic models that can be populated with physical properties by unit and can be mapped to a mesh for simulations.
  • Can include surfaces and functions or mappings that describe physical property distributions in 3D space

Not Goals

  • performing numerical simulations and data analysis are outside of the scope of this repo


A sketch of an idea

from geomodels import geothermal
import discretize

mesh = discretize.TensorMesh()
model = geothermal.CanonicalModel()
sigma = model.tomesh(mesh)