
☔🌂 Weather Wonka displays weather forecasts from the Willy Weather API

Primary LanguageHTML

Weather Wonka

npm version

Weather Wonka displays data from the Willy Weather API in your site or app.

default visuals


🐳 Lightweight JavaScript (1.93 kB gzipped)
☀️ Customisable 1 to 7 day forecast markup
🏁 BEM classes in default templates
☔️ Weather icon sprite included

Getting started

1. Install the plugin:

npm install weather-wonka

2a. Basic configuration:

import WeatherWonka from 'weather-wonka';

// The element where the html will be added
const el = document.querySelector('[data-weather]');

// The url for the weather data api
// Cors issues when testing locally? Prefix url with 'https://cors.io/?'
const apiUrl = 'https://api.willyweather.com.au/v2/[YOUR_WILLY_WEATHER_KEY]/locations/8672/weather.json?forecasts=weather';

// Start the plugin
new WeatherWonka(el, apiUrl, { days: 1 });

This will produce the following markup:

<div class="weather weather--1day">
    <div class="weather__item">
        <div class="weather__title">
        <div class="weather__details">
            <div class="weather__icon" data-label="Mostly sunny">
                    <use xlink:href="#weather-icon--day-cloudy"></use>
            <div class="weather__min-max">
                <div class="weather__temp weather__temp--min">
                    <abbr class="weather__label" title="Minimum">Min</abbr>
                    <span class="weather__value">17</span>
                <div class="weather__temp weather__temp--max">
                    <abbr class="weather__label" title="Maximum">Max</abbr>
                    <span class="weather__value">31</span>

2b. Custom configuration:

If you'd like complete control of the produced markup then you can create custom templates like this:

import WeatherWonka from "weather-wonka";

// The template for the day(s)
const templateContainer = data => (`
    <div class="${data.blockName}">${data.content}</div>

// The template for each day
const templateDay = data => (`
    <div class="${data.blockName}__item">
        <div class="${data.blockName}__day">${data.dayName}</div>
            <use xlink:href="#${data.icon}"></use>
        <div class="${data.blockName}__precis">${data.precis}</div>
        <div class="${data.blockName}__min">Min ${data.min}</div>
        <div class="${data.blockName}__max">Max ${data.max}</div>

// Customise the day names
const dayNames = ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'];

// The element where the html will be added
const el = document.querySelector('[data-weather]');

// The url for the weather data api
// Cors issues when testing locally? Prefix url with 'https://cors.io/?'
const apiUrl = "https://api.willyweather.com.au/v2/[YOUR_WILLY_WEATHER_KEY]/locations/8672/weather.json?forecasts=weather";

// Start the plugin
new WeatherWonka(el, apiUrl, {
    blockName: 'weather',
    days: 7,

3. Add the weather container to your markup

Add the container with the data-weather selector and the inner html will be replaced with the weather markup.
In this example I'm providing a link to a weather page when the weather is selected:

<a href="#" data-weather>View the weather</a>

4. Import the default SCSS

Import the default SCSS styles as a starting point:

@import 'weather-wonka/src/styles';

Alternately you can style the markup as you wish.

5. Add the default icons

Included is a set of free weather icons within an icon sprite.

There's two options here, you can either:

5a. Using TWIG templates?

Include weather-icons.twig into your markup:

    {% include 'weather-icons.twig' %}

5b. Or insert the SVG sprite with JavaScript

Use JavaScipt to insert the SVG sprite at the top of the <body>...</body>.

Customising icons

Add your own custom icons by replacing the SVG symbols within the icon sprite.


Take a look at the demo - you'll need a Willy Weather API key:

  1. Add your key within:
  2. cd into ./node_modules/weather-wonka
  3. Run npm install && npm start


Weather Wonka is created by Simple.