
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


✨ Bootstrapped with Create Snowpack App (CSA).


  • Extract challenge ZIP file to a new directory and open the directory in Visual Studio Code
  • Open a terminal in VS Code (Ctrl+` on most keyboards)
  • Enter yarn && yarn start


Let's build a consent manager popup to manage user tracking consent! This is similar to those annoying cookie banners that you've probably already seen all over web, though hopefully less annoying. This cookie banner won't be displayed immediately and instead its display can be deferred to a time where the user is more invested in engaging with the site.

Let's build the following features:

  • Build a ES module that defines a transcend.showConsentManager() method to generate and display a consent manager UI:
    • Present a React-based consent management UI that exposes all data from airgap.getPurposeTypes() and airgap.getConsent() in an intuitive manner.
    • Auto-close/hide the consent manager UI when the user defocuses/clicks outside of the consent manager UI
    • Write consent back to Transcend Consent Manager using the airgap.setConsent() API.
    • transcend.showConsentManager() shouldn't re-create new DOM on every invocation.
    • Add 'accept all' / 'deny all' buttons (airgap.optIn() / airgap.optOut())

Bonus Challenges

    1. Solution doesn't request other external resources
    1. Consent manager UI correctly displays when transcend.showConsentManager() is enqueued prior to your UI script loading.
    1. Maintains reliability in the face of a third party script interfering with the consent manager DOM tree. This exposes the consent manager to the real-world scenario of the DOM being cleared in an SPA app.

We will evaluate your solution using the following rubric:

Criteria Below Expectations Meets Expectation Exceeds Expectations
Completeness Basic functionality does not work, and/or has many bugs (e.g. new DOM is created on every invocation). Implements the basic functionality without bugs. Implements the basic functionality and at least one of the bonus challenges.
UX The modal is difficult to understand and use. Glaring UI problems with uneven spacing, typos, low contrast colors, etc. Implements the example UI given in this repo. Implements an intuitive UI that's even better than the example -- the options are clear to the user.
Readability & Maintainability Inconsistent syntax (ie did not use a linter). Poor function/variable names. Used a linter. Easy to understand function/variable names. Has some test coverage for the happy path. Follows best practices for writing React components. Modularized code. Leaves comments explaining non-obvious trade-offs/future breakage. Has thorough test coverage (includes unhappy paths).

Reference screenshot (one potential theme that could be built):

Reference screenshot

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Learn More

To learn React, check out the React documentation.

Airgap API

airgap.getConsent(): TrackingConsent

Returns the user's current tracking consent.

airgap.setConsent(interaction: AirgapAuth.interaction, consent: TrackingConsent, autoReload?: boolean): boolean

Returns whether or not the user's tracking consent was able to be updated without a refresh. If CSP is active, a refresh is required to update enforcement of the user's tracking consent.

airgap.optIn(interaction: AirgapAuth.interaction, autoReload?: boolean): boolean

Returns whether or not the user's tracking consent was able to be updated without a refresh. This function consents the user to all tracking purposes.

airgap.optOut(interaction: AirgapAuth.interaction, autoReload?: boolean): boolean

Returns whether or not the user's tracking consent was able to be updated without a refresh. This function revokes consent for all tracking purposes.

airgap.getPurposeTypes(): TrackingPurposesTypes

Returns the tracking purpose type configuration metadata. Example output:

  "Functional": {
    "name": "Functionality",
    "description": "Personalization, autofilled forms, etc.",
    "defaultConsent": false,
    "showInConsentManager": true,
    "configurable": true,
    "essential": false
  "Analytics": {
    "name": "Analytics + Performance",
    "description": "Help us learn how our site is used and how it performs.",
    "defaultConsent": false,
    "showInConsentManager": true,
    "configurable": true,
    "essential": false
  "Advertising": {
    "name": "Targeting / Advertising",
    "description": "Helps us and others serve ads relevant to you.",
    "defaultConsent": false,
    "showInConsentManager": true,
    "configurable": true,
    "essential": false
  "Essential": {
    "name": "Essential",
    "description": "",
    "defaultConsent": true,
    "showInConsentManager": false,
    "configurable": false,
    "essential": true
  "Unknown": {
    "name": "Unknown",
    "description": "",
    "defaultConsent": false,
    "showInConsentManager": false,
    "configurable": false,
    "essential": false


An object consisting of tracking purpose types mapped to boolean consent statuses.

type TrackingConsent = {
  /** Consent to tracking for functional purposes */
  Functional?: boolean;
  /** Consent to tracking for advertising purposes */
  Advertising?: boolean;
  /** Consent to tracking for marketing and analytic purposes */
  Analytics?: boolean;
  /** Consent to tracking for essential purposes */
  Essential?: true;
  /** Unknown (unable to be consented) */
  Unknown?: false;

