
xmpp disconnect and dont reconnect even if the reconnect attribute is set to true

Closed this issue · 4 comments

File name :

method "onClose()" : "self.reconnect" and this.reconnect" are undefine.

dont know why.
I have fixed this issue on my local setup. by passing the reconnect variable and the connect method as an argument from node_modules\simple-xmpp\node_modules\node-xmpp\node_modules\node-xmpp-client\lib\session.js file.

@Mo33n Would you mind sharing you fix in a gist? I'm having a similar issue. It usually reconnects, but after 24 hours or so it stops.

Mo33n commented

@rosslazer that was very old patch , may be the library owner has fixed that issue, you goto check with him .

what i was doing is passing "reconnect = true" flag in the _socketConnectionToHost method inside \simple-xmpp\node_modules\node-xmpp-client\lib\session.js

Mo33n commented

dont know, but this case is not reproducing with the latest code.