
Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION


The code 128 font can be used to render code128 encoded strings.

available sizes

The font is available in 5 different height to width ratios. (Usually i use code128_XL)

if you need other height to width ratios, you can generate your own font using the barcode font generator

name height to width ratio font size to get 1px wide bars
code128_S 1:1 11px
code128 2:1 22px
code128_L 3:1 33px
code128_XL 4:1 44px
code128_XXL 5:1 55px

You can download the font in .ttf, .woff, and .svg format.


You can install it as any other font. To use it as a webfont, you can install with bower:

bower install --save code-128-font

and the in your .html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/code-128-font/code128_all.css"/>
<div class="code_128_XL">ÌTestWÎ</div>


It can be used with:

code table

Code A B C ASCII Symbol Bars and Spaces Weights
0 SPACE SPACE 00 32,194,252 11011001100 212222
1 ! ! 01 33 ! 11001101100 222122
2 " " 02 34 " 11001100110 222221
3 # # 03 35 # 10010011000 121223
4 $ $ 04 36 $ 10010001100 121322
5 % % 05 37 % 10001001100 131222
6 & & 06 38 & 10011001000 122213
7 ' ' 07 39 ' 10011000100 122312
8 ( ( 08 40 ( 10001100100 132212
9 ) ) 09 41 ) 11001001000 221213
10 * * 10 42 * 11001000100 221312
11 + + 11 43 + 11000100100 231212
12 , , 12 44 , 10110011100 112232
13 - - 13 45 - 10011011100 122132
14 . . 14 46 . 10011001110 122231
15 / / 15 47 / 10111001100 113222
16 0 0 16 48 0 10011101100 123122
17 1 1 17 49 1 10011100110 123221
18 2 2 18 50 2 11001110010 223211
19 3 3 19 51 3 11001011100 221132
20 4 4 20 52 4 11001001110 221231
21 5 5 21 53 5 11011100100 213212
22 6 6 22 54 6 11001110100 223112
23 7 7 23 55 7 11101101110 312131
24 8 8 24 56 8 11101001100 311222
25 9 9 25 57 9 11100101100 321122
26 : : 26 58 : 11100100110 321221
27 ; ; 27 59 ; 11101100100 312212
28 < < 28 60 < 11100110100 322112
29 = = 29 61 = 11100110010 322211
30 > > 30 62 > 11011011000 212123
31 ? ? 31 63 ? 11011000110 212321
32 @ @ 32 64 @ 11000110110 232121
33 A A 33 65 A 10100011000 111323
34 B B 34 66 B 10001011000 131123
35 C C 35 67 C 10001000110 131321
36 D D 36 68 D 10110001000 112313
37 E E 37 69 E 10001101000 132113
38 F F 38 70 F 10001100010 132311
39 G G 39 71 G 11010001000 211313
40 H H 40 72 H 11000101000 231113
41 I I 41 73 I 11000100010 231311
42 J J 42 74 J 10110111000 112133
43 K K 43 75 K 10110001110 112331
44 L L 44 76 L 10001101110 132131
45 M M 45 77 M 10111011000 113123
46 N N 46 78 N 10111000110 113321
47 O O 47 79 O 10001110110 133121
48 P P 48 80 P 11101110110 313121
49 Q Q 49 81 Q 11010001110 211331
50 R R 50 82 R 11000101110 231131
51 S S 51 83 S 11011101000 213113
52 T T 52 84 T 11011100010 213311
53 U U 53 85 U 11011101110 213131
54 V V 54 86 V 11101011000 311123
55 W W 55 87 W 11101000110 311321
56 X X 56 88 X 11100010110 331121
57 Y Y 57 89 Y 11101101000 312113
58 Z Z 58 90 Z 11101100010 312311
59 [ [ 59 91 [ 11100011010 332111
60 \ \ 60 92 \ 11101111010 314111
61 ] ] 61 93 ] 11001000010 221411
62 ^ ^ 62 94 ^ 11110001010 431111
63 _ _ 63 95 _ 10100110000 111224
64 NUL ` 64 96 ` 10100001100 111422
65 SOH a 65 97 a 10010110000 121124
66 STX b 66 98 b 10010000110 121421
67 ETX c 67 99 c 10000101100 141122
68 EOT d 68 100 d 10000100110 141221
69 ENQ e 69 101 e 10110010000 112214
70 ACK f 70 102 f 10110000100 112412
71 BEL g 71 103 g 10011010000 122114
72 BS h 72 104 h 10011000010 122411
73 HT i 73 105 i 10000110100 142112
74 LF j 74 106 j 10000110010 142211
75 VT k 75 107 k 11000010010 241211
76 FF l 76 108 l 11001010000 221114
77 CR m 77 109 m 11110111010 413111
78 SO n 78 110 n 11000010100 241112
79 SI o 79 111 o 10001111010 134111
80 DLE p 80 112 p 10100111100 111242
81 DC1 q 81 113 q 10010111100 121142
82 DC2 r 82 114 r 10010011110 121241
83 DC3 s 83 115 s 10111100100 114212
84 DC4 t 84 116 t 10011110100 124112
85 NAK u 85 117 u 10011110010 124211
86 SYN v 86 118 v 11110100100 411212
87 ETB w 87 119 w 11110010100 421112
88 CAN x 88 120 x 11110010010 421211
89 EM y 89 121 y 11011011110 212141
90 SUB z 90 122 z 11011110110 214121
91 ESC { 91 123 { 11110110110 412121
92 FS | 92 124 | 10101111000 111143
93 GS } 93 125 } 10100011110 111341
94 RS ~ 94 126 ~ 10001011110 131141
95 US DEL 95 195,240 Ã 10111101000 114113
96 FNC 3 FNC 3 96 196,241 Ä 10111100010 114311
97 FNC 2 FNC 2 97 197,242 Å 11110101000 411113
98 Shift B Shift A 98 198,243 Æ 11110100010 411311
99 Code C Code C 99 199,244 Ç 10111011110 113141
100 Code B FNC 4 Code B 200,245 È 10111101110 114131
101 FNC 4 Code A Code A 201,246 É 11101011110 311141
102 FNC 1 FNC 1 FNC 1 202,247 Ê 11110101110 411131
103 Start Code A 203,248 Ë 11010000100 211412
104 Start Code B 204,249 Ì 11010010000 211214
105 Start Code C 205,250 Í 11010011100 211232
106 Stop (7 bars/spaces) 206,251 Î 1100011101011 2331112