
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What is context?

Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.

But you can use context-api as a global state management tool, there are lots of complex libraries (Redux, mobx,Recoil,HookState and many more...) for managing state in React.js application.

Why i built this library?

Because i liked React.js and building some web app for my personal use during my journey i have lots of problems. but i never give up. And this attitude reached me here now i am learning typescript but my methods for learing coding is practice and for deep dive in typescript i converted my previous web app to typescript so now i can able to doing basic things from this.

And for knowing more things in technology era i loved to learn something everyday.

How to Start

To intigrate mini-state in your projects you need to install using npm after install follow these examples.

npm install mini-state


This is usally like as React.createContext but here you don't need hard code. You only need 2 steps to creating your context super fast

  • step 1

You need to import createCTX

import {createCTX} from "mini-state"
  • step 2

Now creating context via createCTX with the type of useState Hook

const [Context , Provider] = createCTX({

Now your context is created you can create context globally in your .jsx or .tsx files

  • example src/index.js
// Import related modules 

import { createCTX, useCTX } from 'mini-state';

// Creating context and provider using createCTX
const [Context , Provider] = createCTX({

// Component
const App = () => {
    * Here we are using state using built in Hook
    * `useCTX` 
  const { state, dispatch } = useCTX(Context)
  console.log('State output in numbers', state);
  return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch(2000)}>
      <h1>Here State Value {state}</h1>

// Our Application Root 
const Root: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      <App />
const div = document.createElement('div');
ReactDOM.render(<Root />, div);

createCTX options

  • type
  • reducer
  • initialState


This Hook provide a way to use Context value

const { state, dispatch } = useCTX(Context)


When you work with type="useReducer" you need to pass more value in createCtx

  • type
  • reducer
  • initialState

createSlice is a way to creating initialState, reducer and actions for more large state and this function provide better way to create all in one place.

import { createSlice } from "mini-state"

and then call this function below in example

const slice = createSlice({
  displayName: "Basic Slice",
  intialState: [],
  reducer: (state, action: ActionTypes) => {
    switch (action.type) {
      case "ADD::TODO":
        return [...state, action.payload]
      case "REMOVE::TODO":
        return state.filter((id) => id !== action.payload)
        return state
  actions: {
    addTodo: (payload) => ({ type: "ADD::TODO", payload }),
    removeTodo: (payload) => ({ type: "REMOVE::TODO", payload }),

export const { intialState, reducer, actions } = slice

Here we are creating context with type of useReducer Hook

Usage of both same but when you dispatch something best way to use actions creators for easy and clean work

const [Context, Provider] = createCTX({
  type: 'useReducer',
  initialState: intialState
  reducer: reducer

Usage with React.js

Core Functanality is same for both React.js and Next.js but you need wrap your web app with Provider created by createCTX.

Folder Structure

Folder Structure in Both Framework or Library are different like in React.js Folder structure like this

  • Your Directory ( root dir )
    • public
      • favicon.ico
      • robots.txt
      • index.html
    • node_modules
    • src
      • index.js
      • app.js
    • .env
    • .gitignore
    • tsconfig.json
    • package.json

Usage with Next.js

Core Functanality is same for both React.js and Next.js but you need wrap your web app with Provider created by createCTX.

Folder Structure

Folder Structure in Both Framework or Library are different like in Next.js Folder structure like this

  • Your Directory ( root dir )

    • node_modules
    • public
      • assets
      • static
      • favicon.ico
      • robots.txt
    • pages
      • _app.js
      • _document.js
      • _404.js
      • index.js
  • .env

  • .gitignore

  • tsconfig.json

  • package.json

"# mini-state" "# mini-state" "# mini-state"