#Grenoble Tech List

Map with startups, investors, incubators and all digital actors. Inspired by Paris Tech List and developed by Jonathan Bonzy and Pierre Felgines in Grenoble.

Quick start

  • Download lastest version or clone this repo
  • Check that your PHP version is at least 5.3.3
  • Install composer wih curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  • Install project needed packages with php composer.phar install
  • Configure your Apache virtualhost

Launch a Tech List for your city

Current version uses JSON files stored in 'data' directory. Each city has its own sub-directory.


  • Update title tag <title>Grenoble Tech List</title>
  • Update h1 tag <h1 class="pull-left">Grenoble Tech List</h1>
  • Update Google Maps API key
  • Create a Google Form for "add organization" and update button url
  • Update TechList.City variable with your city name, latitude and longitude
  • Create a Google Analytics Tracker and update tracker id


  • Update data for each routes: /api/{city}/{entity} where entity is "startups", "investors", ...



