Making a plan

  1. Make a drawing of your app. Simple "wireframes"
  2. Once you have a drawing, name the HTML elements you'll need to realize your vision
  3. For each HTML element ask: Why do I need this?
  4. Once we know why we need each element, think about how to implement the "Why" as a "How"
  5. Is there some state we need to initialize?
  6. Find all the 'events' (user clicks, form submit, etc) in your app. Ask one by one, "What happens when" for each of these events.
  7. Think about how to validate each of your steps
  8. Consider your data model. What objects will you be using? What are the key/value pairs? What arrays do you need? What needs to live in local storage?
  9. Consider what features depend on what other features. Use this dependency logic to figure out what order to complete tasks.

##HTML Header -For Logo and instructions purposes Three Images (one for Rock, Paper, Scissors) -Why-For user selection(input) Submit button -Why? To compare user guess and machine choice DIV1 -Why? To display game results DIV2 -Why? Display total number of games played

##STATE Game State -let gamesPlayed = 0 Reset Game

##EVENTS ButtonClick -What should happen? -User guess should be captured -Machine Throw should be captured -Total games tallied/Logged -Wins/losses tallies /logged Presented to HTML