- Make a drawing of your app. Simple "wireframes"
- Once you have a drawing, name the HTML elements you'll need to realize your vision
- For each HTML element ask: Why do I need this?
- Once we know why we need each element, think about how to implement the "Why" as a "How"
- Is there some state we need to initialize?
- Find all the 'events' (user clicks, form submit, etc) in your app. Ask one by one, "What happens when" for each of these events.
- Think about how to validate each of your steps
- Consider your data model. What objects will you be using? What are the key/value pairs? What arrays do you need? What needs to live in local storage?
- Consider what features depend on what other features. Use this dependency logic to figure out what order to complete tasks.
##HTML Header -For Logo and instructions purposes Three Images (one for Rock, Paper, Scissors) -Why-For user selection(input) Submit button -Why? To compare user guess and machine choice DIV1 -Why? To display game results DIV2 -Why? Display total number of games played
##EVENTS ButtonClick -What should happen? -User guess should be captured -Machine Throw should be captured -Total games tallied/Logged -Wins/losses tallies /logged Presented to HTML