
A simple traffic light simulator to understand Observer Pattern of design in Java.

Primary LanguageJava

Traffic Lights

A simple traffic light simulator to understand the Observer Design Pattern in Java.

Class Implementations


  • Contains a single updateTrafficLights() method that takes LightColor class's object as parameter
  • CommercialVehicle and DomesticVehicle implement the updateTrafficLights() method and are considered observers

Commercial Vehicle:

  • Implements overridden updateTrafficLights() method from the TrafficLightObserver interface

Domestic Vehicle:

  • Implements overridden updateTrafficLights() method from the TrafficLightObserver interface


  • Enum class that contains a list of traffic light colors


  • Takes TrafficLightObserver as a list called observers, which is implemented as a new array list
  • Takes LightColor object a variable called lightType
  • contains addObserver(), removeObservers(), and notifyObservers() method that add, remove, and notify all objects
  • The lightChange() method iterates through the LightColor enum class's values, prints out the light type, and uses the notifyObservers() method to update the traffic lights for all observers


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All rights reserved and exclusive to Simran Farrukh. Do not copy or share this code.