Follow the instructions to install the required libraries and tools which will be used during the workshop:
Install Python 3 (any version should work just fine, during the live demo Python 3.6.3 will be used).
For people who are new to python, we recommend getting Python 3 with Anaconda
Download or clone this repository. This repo contains a requirements.txt file which we will use to install the dependencies. Install the dependencies by executing:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: Requires C++ compilers. Make sure you got them on your machine or download and install them before installing dependencies from requirements.txt:
- Visual Studio for Windows
- XCode for macOS/OS X
- gcc for Ubuntu
The installation should run without the errors. A successful installation should be indicated by a message that the list of dependencies was successfully installed:
Install spacy model by running:
python -m spacy download en
Note: If installation throws an error, run the terminal as an administrator and rerun the command.
After the successful installation you should see a similar output in your console:
Install rasa_core by running:
pip install rasa_core
The installation should be completed without any errors and it should end with a message saying that the libraries were successfully installed.
Install apixu library:
- Download or clone
- Unzip and execute:
python install
A successful installation should be indicated by a message similar to the following:
As a sanity check, at this step you can launch your python interpreter and import rasa_nlu, rasa_core, apixu, spacy libraries as well as spacy model. If it doesn't throw you any errors, it means that everything was installed successfully.
In your console type the following:
python (to launch the Python interpreter)
import rasa_nlu
import rasa_core
import apixu
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')If everything was installed successfully, you should see the following in your console:
Download and install npm and node from
Install rasa_nlu data visualisation tool by executing:
npm i -g rasa-nlu-trainer
A successful installation should result in a similar message in your console:
If you want, during this workshop you can use an IDE of your choice or you can stick to simple text editors (for example Notepad++). Both options will be just fine.
If you have any questions or issues regarding the installation, feel free to message me directly or drop me an email to and I will be glad to help you out :)