
Here you will get all information regarding opportunities in tech

Scholarship | Mentorship | Hackathon | Internship | InformativeRepos | Others

Let's do our best

“Rejection is key to success”

Why did we created this website?

  • Making it easy for each an every student to search for the opportunities and always keep an track on upcoming events so that they can work on upgrading skills and preparing for that.
  • One place for all your needs.

How can you contribute to this project

Issues Pull Requests Forks Stars

  • Give repositary a star 🌟 if you like the content

- Take a look at the Existing [Issues](https://github.com/Komal-99/Secret-to-Success/issues) - Create your own Issues, If you have new opportunity not listed in project. - Wait for the Issue to be assigned to you. - Fork the repository

  • Clone the repository using-
git clone https://github.com/Komal-99/Opportunity-in-tech

