filetime_tools is a collection of programs for working with files and timestamps. It implements the following functionality:

  • Scan a file system and find all of the files
  • Maintain a database of scans with SQLite3
  • Rescan the file system and report changes
  • Change timestamps embedded in filenames from any recognized timestamp to ISO 8061 format (both batch and with a GUI)
  • Change the EXIF in JPEGs to be consistent with the timestamp in the file's name.
  • Change the name of a JPEG to be consistent with its EXIF timestamp

MySQL Configuration

By default, will look to the default.ini file for MySQL authentication credentials. Please see the file default.ini.DIST for how to fill out this file with your MySQL credentials.

You can specify a different configuration file with the --config [path to configuration file] flag.

Available programs: - Scan a directory and report file system changes. - Change filename or timestamps to take into account the time stored in the EXIF - Seek out and rename MDY timestamps in filenames to be YYYY-MM-DD. Optional GUI with --gui

Use Cases

Renaming files so that their embedded timestamps are in ISO8601 format:

python3 [--dry-run] [--gui] root1 [root2 ...]

Find duplicate files in DIR2 that are also in DIR1

python3 --db mydb.db --create 
python3 --db mydb.db --addroot DIR1
python3 --db mydb.db --addroot DIR2
python3 --db mydb.db --scan
python3 --db mydb.db --reportdups

Scan DIR1 and print the SH1 codes of every file with SQLite3

python3 --sqlite3db mydb.db --addroot DIR1 python3 --sqlite3db mydb.db --dump

Scan DIR1 and DIR2 and delete files in DIR2 that are anywhere in DIR1 using sqlite3

python3 --sqlite3db mydb.db --addroot DIR1 python3 --sqlite3db mydb.db --addroot DIR2

Find all of the JPEGs in a directory hiearchy

python3 --db images.db --create ~/Photos/         

Find empty directories

You can do this just with Unix command line tools:

find . -type d -empty -print

Delete empty directories

You can do this just with Unix command line tools:

find . -type d -empty -delete