
A Solidity smart contract to manage the escrow pipeline to enable buyer and seller to trust each other

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The Solidity contract for the given scenarios is under contracts/Escrow.sol file.


  1. Node.js & npm
  2. Ganache on port 7545 & contract installed
  3. web3
  4. truffle

Deploy the solidity contract

  1. Bring up the Ganache GUI/ ganache-cli
  2. deploy the contract using the truffle package
    • truffle deploy Once the contract is successfully deployed

API to run the inputs

A simple node.js script connected to local Ganache on port 7545 is written under api/app.js file

How to run the node.js script

  1. goto the folder api in the CMD
  2. run npm install
  3. Inputs file is also placed under the same directory inputs.txt
  4. To run the cases node app.js

The last 3 lines of the output from the execution of the app.js should display the balances as shown below

The Balance of Buyer1 is :1000
The Balance of seller 2 is :500
The Total Amount held in Escrow  is :200

The Complete output

Executing the credit for buyer0x7743B49aFF7d71D868F865CFf0902B2E7b316A51and amount :2000
Executing the credit for buyer0x3e17fCd3A399bC51B958F736A5ACB99E5D71F514and amount :4000
Created inventory for the :Seller 1
Created inventory for the :Seller 2
Created inventory for the :Seller 1
Created inventory for the :Seller 1
Created inventory for the :Seller 2
Created inventory for the :Seller 2
Created an order for Buyer 1
Deposited money from  Buyer 1
Deposited money from  Buyer 2
Created an order for Buyer 2
Completed order for   Buyer 1
Created an order for Buyer 1
Created an order for Buyer 1
Complain by  Buyer 2 for item registered Hoody and money refunded.
Created an order for Buyer 2
Completed order for   Buyer 1
The Balance of Buyer1 is :1000
The Balance of seller 2 is :500
The Total Amount held in Escrow  is :200
```"# Escrow_Management"