Vivarium data collection and analysis software

Primary LanguageJava


Development Log

v0.1		7/20/14

	-Initial Prototype

v0.2 		7/21/14

	-Added Ramsey Calculator
	-Table information now auto-refreshes after edits
	-Fixed percent-weight change formula
	-Various vocabulary fixes
	-Fixed New/Edit Project/Rat dialogs not allowing erasing numbers
	-Fixed spacing issues on Mac
	-Added option for dead rats

v0.21 		7/22/14

	-Fixed Rats getting unselected when edditting information tables
	-Fixed Rats/Projects getting unselected when adding new Rats/Projects
	-Fixed load problems
	-Fixed Ramsey calculator spelling
	-Added graph functionality
	-Added Researcher field to Projects

v0.22		7/22/14
	-Fixed Load/Save problems
	-Fixed freezes after edditting tables
	-Removed auto save/load.

v0.3		7/23/14
	-Added confirm dialogs for Save/Load/Exit
	-Added dropdown option for Drug selection
	-Added option for rat gender in Projects
	-Added lines to line charts
	-Added Averages and Standard Deviation to Analysis tab
	-Added interface for diet given

v0.31		7/24/14

	-Added Humberto Mestre to About window
	-Added preliminary Census interface
	-Added custom graphs
	-Added average line option

	-Minor code gimmick changes

v0.4		7/28/14

	-Added primary exception handling
	-Added "Report an Error" window
	-Added Remove buttonsx
	-Added Surgical/Non-Surgical options
	-Added Diet table
	-Added BBB table
	-Added Enviornment Logger Tool
	-Added Paola Meade to About Window
	-Moved "Ramsey Calculator" to Tool Menu
	-Improved spacing issues when loading data
	-Finished Report an Error dialog

v1.0		7/31/14

	-Changed name to "RINO"
	-Initial Release