
DuOauth module sample

Primary LanguagePHP

DuOauth Sample App

A simple usage sample of DuOauth zf2 module.


cd my/project/dir
git clone https://github.com/simukti/DuOauthSample.git
cd DuOauthSample
php composer.phar self-update
php composer.phar install


1. Twitter API (ConsumerKey, SecretKey).
2. DuoSecurity WebSDK Integration (Ikey, Skey, Akey)
3. DuoSecurity user setup.
4. Device setup for DuoSecurity user on step 2.


  • copy ./module/DuOauth/config/duoauth.config.php.dist to ./module/DuOauth/config/duoauth.config.php
  • fill duo and twitter keys.