
Finite volume toolbox for Matlab/Octave

Primary LanguageMATLABBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

FVTool: Finite volume toolbox for Matlab

DOI View A Simple Finite Volume Solver for Matlab on File Exchange

Tiny Documents 📘.

FVTool in:

Python: PyFVTool
Julia: JFVM.jl


This is a finite volume (toy) toolbox for chemical/petroleum engineers. Right now, it can solve a transient convection-diffusion equation with variable velocity field/diffusion coefficients. The discretization schemes include:

  • central difference diffusion term
  • central difference convection term
  • upwind convection term
  • TVD convection term with various flux limiters
  • transient term
  • Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin, and periodic boundary conditions

diffusion pde

Which equation do you solve?

The partial differential equations that can be solved numerically with FVTool have the general form

$$\underbrace{\alpha\frac{\partial\phi}{\partial t}}_{\textrm{Transient term}}+\underbrace{\nabla \cdot \left(\mathbf{u}\phi\right)}_{\text{Advection term}}+\underbrace{\nabla \cdot (-\mathcal{D}\nabla\phi)}_{\text{Diffusion term}}+\underbrace{\beta\phi}_{\text{Linear source term}}+\underbrace{\gamma}_{\text{Constant source term}}=0$$

with the following general form of boundary conditions (specified by constants a, b, and c):

$$a\nabla\phi \cdot \mathbf{e}+b\phi=c$$

The above equations describe the majority of the transport phenomena in chemical and petroleum engineering and many other fields.

How to start

Download the package, start matlab, and run FVToolStartUp


I started writing this tool after playing with FiPy, an amazing python-based finite volume solver. This matlab solver is not a clone, and indeed very limited compared to FiPy. I wrote it to have a very handy tool for testing new ideas (new mathematical models) by solving them in 1D uniform Cartesian grids. Then I extended the code to

  • 1D axisymmetric (radial)
  • 2D radial (r, theta)
  • 2D Cartesian
  • 3D Cartesian
  • 2D axisymmetric (cylindrical, r, z)
  • 3D cylindrical (r, theta, z)

I have overloaded some of the matlab operators to simplify the switch from 1D codes to 2D and 3D.

A simple example

You can solve a diffusion equation, i.e., $ \nabla. (-D \nabla \phi) = 0 $ by running the following code in Matlab:

L = 50;  % domain length
Nx = 20; % number of cells
m = createMesh1D(Nx, L);
BC = createBC(m); % all Neumann boundary condition structure
BC.left.a(:) = 0; BC.left.b(:)=1; BC.left.c(:)=1; % Dirichlet for the left boundary
BC.right.a(:) = 0; BC.right.b(:)=1; BC.right.c(:)=0; % right boundary
D_val = 1; % value of the diffusion coefficient
D = createCellVariable(m, D_val); % assign the diffusion coefficient to the cells
D_face = harmonicMean(D); % calculate harmonic average of the diffusion coef on the cell faces
Mdiff = diffusionTerm(D_face); % matrix of coefficients for the diffusion term
[Mbc, RHSbc] = boundaryCondition(BC); % matrix of coefficients and RHS vector for the BC
M = Mdiff + Mbc; % matrix of coefficients for the PDE
c = solvePDE(m,M, RHSbc); % send M and RHS to the solver
visualizeCells(c); % visualize the results

change the third line to m = createMesh2D(Nx,Nx, L,L); or m = createMesh3D(Nx,Nx,Nx, L,L,L); and see the outcome for yourself.
diff 3D


There are a few simple examples in the Tutorial folder. You can also find a few more advanced examples (water injection into a heterogeneous oil field, two nonlinear PDEs, coupled fully implicit solution) in the Advanced folder.


Find some preliminary documents here.

But Matlab is not a free software?

You can use the code in octave. The new (object oriented) version of the code works in Octave 4.0 (with the new classdef function).
I've re-written the code in Julia. It works fine, but the visualization on Windows OS has still some issues.

Questions and bug reports

You can ask your questions by creating a new issue here, or by writing a comment in my blog. You can also ask your question in the Matlab file exchange page of this code. I truly appreciate your feedback and/or contribution.

How to cite:

If you have used the package in your work and you find it usefull, please cite it as:

  author       = {Ali Akbar Eftekhari and Kai Schüller and Ferran Brosa Planella and Martinus Werts and Behzad Hosseinzadeh},
  title        = {FVTool: a finite volume toolbox for Matlab},
  month        = oct,
  year         = 2015,
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.32745},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32745}

I will also appreciate it if you write me a couple of lines about how you have used it in your research. It encourages me to maintain the code.