

  • Europeana provides cultural heritage enthusiasts, professionals, teachers, and researchers with digital access to European cultural heritage material
  • Digital Giza is an international collaboration based at Harvard University, aims to assemble and provide access to all archeological records about the most famous site in the world: the Pyramids, surrounding cemeteries and settlements of Giza, Egypt

Text Analysis


  • Visual Correspondence uses data visualisation to makes sense of a person's life through their correspondence. Who they wrote to, who wrote to them, when and where - these flashes of detail unveil a rich narrative about people and our past through images
  • Linked Jazz
  • Surfacing is a digital mapping project about the undersea network of cables that support our global network society





  • In Search of the Drowned: Testimonies and Testimonial Fragments of the Holocaust is the epigraph of this digital monograph and the name of the collaborative project between three institutions that gave rise to it. Let them Speak is symbolic; it expresses my intention to give voice to millions of murdered Holocaust victims, to the Drowned, as Primo Levi, the Italian writer and Holocaust survivor, named them. In Search of the Drowned is a hybrid publication with various components bringing together survivors’ testimonies, digital history, computer science, philosophy, and personal memory