
A simple implementation of an ARM-based processor.

Primary LanguageVerilog


A simple implementation of an ARM-based processor.

ARM-processor architecture

The overall architecture of ARM processor simplified:

ARM-processor Schematic

Condition codes

ConditionCheck module receives the condition bits (cond) from the input instruction and checks the condition with the help of the Status Register.

Condition codes table

Opcode Mnemonic extension Meaning Condition flag state
0000 EQ Equal Z set
0001 NE Not equal Z clear
0010 CS/HS Carry set/unsigned higher or same C set
0011 CC/LO Carry clear/unsigned lower C clear
0100 MI Minus/negative N set
0101 PL Plus/positive or zero N clear
0110 VS Overflow V set
0111 VC No overflow V clear
1000 HI Unsigned higher C set and Z clear
1001 LS Unsigned lower or same C clear or Z set
1010 GE Signed greater than or equal N set and V set, or N clear and V clear (N == V)
1011 LT Signed less than N set and V clear, or N clear and V set (N != V)
1100 GT Signed greater than Z clear, and either N set and V set, or N clear and V clear (Z == 0,N == V)
1101 LE Signed less than or equal Z set, or N set and V clear, or N clear and V set (Z == 1 or N != V)
1110 AL Always (unconditional) -
1111 - The behavior depends on the architecture version -

ARM-processor instructions

The processor designed and implemented in this project is a simplified ARM processor with 12 main instructions. This processor is capable of performing mathematical operations (ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC), logic operations (AND, ORR, EOR), comparison operations (CMP, TST), read and write operations in memory (LD, ST), and the jump operation (B). The list of operations and their details are given in Table of the CPU Command Set. The NOP command is not implemented as a command.

Mathematical, logic, comparison and memory instruction table

31:28 27:26 25 24:21 20 19:16 15:12 11:00
R-type Instructions Description Cond Mode I Opcode S Rn Rd shifter operand
NOP No Operation 1110 00 0 0000 0 0000 0000 00000000000
MOV Move cond 00 I 1101 S 0000 Rd shifter operand
MVN Move NOT cond 00 I 1111 S 0000 Rd shifter operand
ADD Add cond 00 I 0100 S Rn Rd shifter operand
ADC Add with Carry cond 00 I 0101 S Rn Rd shifter operand
SUB Subtraction cond 00 I 0010 S Rn Rd shifter operand
SBC Subtract with Carry cond 00 I 0110 S Rn Rd shifter operand
AND And cond 00 I 0000 S Rn Rd shifter operand
ORR Or cond 00 I 1100 S Rn Rd shifter operand
EOR Exclusive OR cond 00 I 0001 S Rn Rd shifter operand
CMP Compare cond 00 I 1010 1 Rn 0000 shifter operand
TST Test cond 00 I 1000 1 Rn 0000 shifter operand
LDR Load Register cond 01 0 0100 1 Rn Rd offset_12
STR Store Register cond 01 0 0100 0 Rn Rd offset_12

Jump instruction table

31:28 27:26 25 24 23:0
R-type Instructions Description Cond Mode I
B Branch cond 10 1 0 signed_immed_24

ALU instructions

The execution stage will include the ALU and the calculation of the jump command address. The ALU has two data inputs, data output, and a four-bit input generated by the Control Unit, determining the ALU operation. This control input is specified in Table.

ALU instructions table

Instruction ALU Command Operation
MOV 0001 result = in2
MVN 1001 result = ~in2
ADD 0010 result = in1 + in2
ADC 0011 result = in1 + in2 + C
SUB 0100 result = in1 - in2
SBC 0101 result = in1 - in2 – ~C
AND 0110 result = in1 & in2
ORR 0111 result = in1 | in2
EOR 1000 result = in1 ^ in2
CMP 0100 result = in1 - in2
TST 0110 result = in1 & in2
LDR 0010 result = in1 + in2
STR 0010 result = in1 + in2


32 bit immediate shift

In this case, the value of the immediate bit is equal to one. The 9-bit 8_immed number is placed in a 32-bit container, then rotated twice as much as the value of rotate_imm.

32 bit immediate shift instructions

31:28 27 26 25 24:21 20 19:16 15:12 11:8 7:0
Cond 0 0 1 opcode S Rn Rd rotate_imm immed_8

Immediate shift

In this case, the immediate bit and the fourth bit of the instruction are also equal to zero. The second operand is read from the register. The read number is then shifted by the value of shift_imm based on shift mode. Shift modes are listed in the table below.

Immediate shift instruction

31:28 27 26 25 24:21 20 19:16 15:12 11:7 6:5 4 3:0
Cond 0 0 0 opcode S Rn Rd shift_imm shift 0 Rm

Shift mode in immediate shift instruction

Shift mode Description Value
LSL Logical shift left 00
LSR Logical shift right 01
ASR Arithmetic shift right 10
ROR Rotate right 11

Register shift

In this case, the immediate bit is equal to zero, and the second operand is read from the register. The read number is then shifted to the Rs register value based on the shift mode. This type of shift has not been implemented in the processor.

Register shift instruction

31:28 27 26 25 24:21 20 19:16 15:12 11:7 6:5 4 3:0
Cond 0 0 0 opcode S Rn Rd shift_imm shift 0 Rm

Initial architecture (Basic)

ARM-processor Architecture

Operand forwarding (data forwarding) optimization

Operand forwarding (or data forwarding) is an optimization in pipelined CPUs to limit performance deficits due to pipeline stalls. A data hazard can lead to a pipeline stall when the current operation has to wait for the results of an earlier operation that has not yet been finished.

ARM-processor Architecture with operand forwarding




