
Code Structure

The code consists of three classes:

  • Edge : This class has three attributes:
    • node1 : The first node of the edge.
    • node2 : The second node of the edge.
    • weight : The wieght of the edge.

The picture below shows the Edge class:

Screenshot from 2023-06-05 10-56-49

  • Node: This class has two attributes. Also, this class has some methods that can be explained by their name, so the explanation of methods are unnecessary.
    • Id : Shows the id number of node in graph
    • Edges: A vector of Edge objects that their first node is equal to the Id of the node. in other word, a vector consist of all edges that are connected to neighbors of the node.

The picture below shows the Node class:

Screenshot from 2023-06-05 11-07-48

  • Graph: This class has one attribute. Also, this class has some methods that we explain them later.
    • Nodes : A vector of all nodes that have been added to graph so far.

The picture below shows the Graph class:

Screenshot from 2023-06-05 11-12-39

The following picture shows Customer class:


  • Customer: this class is the base of inheritance for the Provider class (so a Provider can be a Customer as well).
  • _prvoiders: indicates the providers for this customer
  • _prvLengthPref: holds a provider ID along with its length of connection and its preference to that provider

The following picture shows Provider class:


  • _cstmLengthPref: list of customerIDs mapped to their length and preferences.
  • _peerLengthPref: list of peerIDs mapped to their path length and prefernce.
  • _routeTable: routing information about a prefix(ASID) mapped to the its nextHop and the path length.

Picture of BGP class:


_potentialCustomers: list of Customers and Providers(which can also be a customer) on the network.

Note: we can classify ASs as follows:

  • Stub AS
  • Multihomed AS
  • Transit AS

For simplicity we excluded Transit AS in out project, however one could argue that having a multihomed AS is more difficult than a Transit AS, because, a Multihomed AS can be a customer and a provider at the same time.

Code Verification


The input graph is the given graph in project description:



The adjacency matrix is shown below:



The modify command has been done on the graph shown in Show section:



The remove command has been done on the graph shown in Modify section:



At first after entering 2 in the menu and bgp after that, user will encounter a BGP Menu as follows:


after choosing each option a guide for the chosen command will be printed for the user. Here we will go forward on a few examples:

Add Provider/Add Customer

after pressing 1 or 2 on the BGP menu, the command guide corresponding to each option will be appeared:


for example in this photo we chose the Add customer option the ASID corresponds to id of the Autonomous System

Advertise routing

after pressing 5 on the BGP menu, we are able to announce a new routing path. the first input would be the AS introducing this route (note that for simplicity we introduce ASs instead of prefixes).


The first input indicates the provider which is inroducing the path. The second input indicates the destination which would use this routing information (More likely another provider) The third input indicates the actual prefix(i,e AS) and the final input as it was described in the hint, the cost/length of the path.

Advertise Errors


Whenever an incoming route to a destination with a different source of what has already been in the routing table comes this error will be printed


Role of Relations

If a AS X wants to advertise some routing information to AS Y two of which must be connected. Either by being peer of one another or by being in provider-customer relatioship


Show Providers:

after pressing 6 on the menu each of the previously added providers will be printed one by one (their IDs)



In this section we send information about directly connected links to all nodes (not just neighbors) then we used Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm to find the shortest path.It takes n iterations(n is number of nodes).Iteration start at source node and then we use information about directly connected links to this node and find shortest path,then after we confirm a new node(shortest cost),with information of it's directly connected links,we update the paths and find the shortest one again.after n iterastions we got shortest paths from source node.

The result is shown in picture below:

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Screenshot from 2023-06-05 20-07-40

Distance Vector(DVRP)

The code of this secction is shown below. As you can see, we used Bellman Ford algorithm to find distance vector. we iterate over all edges in graph and update their weight and save the lowest-price from each node to other nodes. If updating doesn't occur for all edges, we stop the algorithm:

Screenshot from 2023-06-05 11-46-27

The result is shown in picture below:



time complexity of link state algorithm is O(v^3) and time complexity of distance vector is O(V.E) so we expect that lsrp is slower than dvrp and the tables below shows this too.

The Chart shown below is the time of each algorithm for each node in given graph before removing 4-10 Edge (The time is micro-second):

1 508.429 97.221
2 588.393 86.267
3 658.618 86.776
4 557.613 88.452
5 541.48 90.255
6 506.863 86.889
7 514.849 84.488
8 625.234 90.364
9 497.395 64.518
10 762082 89.32
11 714.658 85.312
12 558.117 85.236
13 645.143 66.527

The Chart shown below is the time of each algorithm for each node in given graph after removing 4-10 Edge (The time is micro-second):

1 505.976 229.632
2 493.916 215.271
3 494.925 213.403
4 588.712 226.374
5 471.593 216.644
6 462.807 214.348
7 460.787 206.88
8 481.432 217.512
9 427.8 210.369
10 465.016 226.721
11 510.542 226.213
12 503.95 211.954
13 507.221 214.909