
vanilla js Typewriter

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


vanilla js typewriter !

Alt Text


How to use

First install package via npm : npm install ezwriter

in html file create span and assign it an id :

<h1>Hello <span id="EZwriter" data-words="World!,Sina!,John!"></span></h1>

assign words to data-words attribute and then split them by comma

then import

import EZwriter from 'EZwriter';
const EZwriter = new EZwriter({
    selectedElement: 'EZwriter', // element id
    timeTowaitUntilNextWord: 3000, // ms


<script src="https://unpkg.com/ezwriter@1.0.0/build/index.js"></script>

const EZwriter = window.EZwriter.default;
const ez = new EZwriter({
	selectedElement: 'EZwriter', // element
    timeTowaitUntilNextWord: 3000, // ms
