
Primary LanguageTypeScript



Nest framework TypeScript starter repository.


$ yarn install

Running the app

# development
$ yarn start

# watch mode
$ yarn run start:dev

# production mode
$ yarn run start:prod


# unit tests
$ yarn run test

# e2e tests
$ yarn run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ yarn run test:cov


Please mount assets directory to keep all assets and uploaded files.

Directory structure inside src


All uploaded files are stored here.


All frontend controller with their DTOs and validations must be stored in these directories.


This directory keep all common service and module that you need among different API versions and store all business logic


This directory holds all of our application database models.


All project config goes here.


Project wide constants are stored here. please note all module constants stored beside it's files.


All project wide filters goes here. http exception filter are already initialized here and catch and format and log all exception.


All project wide pipes goes here. joi validation pip are already implemented. we use it before each route as follows:

    new JoiValidationPipe({
      params: SomeValidation,
      body: OtherValidation,
      query: QueryValidation

And in DTO section we have this:

export const SomeValidation = Joi.object(
  new SomeValidationDto()


export class SomeValidationDto {
  @ApiProperty({ format: '...' })
  readonly name: string = Joi.string().required()


Config Module

Store and get all of project config. you can customise your config based on running environment. for usage please see Config Repo. this module only export single get method and are available as global module. you can also create local.json file in config directory to have all of your local dev configs.

Helper Module

Store all helper function in this module


We use joi as our validation library. this helper will be used in Joi validation pipe

JWT Service and middleware

Handle all jwt parsing logic.

Response Interceptor and Interface

For sake of simplicity we add response interceptor that format response and errors that thrown inside application. you just return Standard Response and you are ready to go.

export interface StandardResponse {
  status: number,
  message: string,
  payload: object,
  requestId?: string

We use it in controller as follows:

  async getHello(): Promise<StandardResponse> {
    return {
      message: 'Hi :)',
      payload: {},
      status: HttpStatus.OK,

Rest Client Service

Handle all rest api call.

Logger Module

Has a global middleware that assign request uuid v4 token property requestId to each request. we use winston logger. for logging into elastic search we declare ELKMeta interface that all index fields must declared in index property and all raw data must be placed in raw property. Please look at custom-logger.service.ts and logger.interceptor.ts

API Docs

Swagger API doc for api documentation are enabled by default


mongoDB driver and mongoose are already configured and you can use enable it in src/app/app.module.ts. just change address in config file and you are ready to go. for more information please see this link Please Note that if you want to disable it you should remove it from app module and app-health service inside app module


RabbitMQ module are already configured for you as global module. there are two function exported: 1 - dispatch<RoutingKey extends keyof ActionTypes>(actionTypes: RoutingKey, content: ActionTypes[RoutingKey], requestId: string) 2 - createAndBindQueueToExchange(queue: string, pattern: keyof ConsumerPatterns, consumer) to disable this module just comment this module in app module dispatch will dispatch new event. please note that you must add your action type and routing key to this module. createAndBindQueueToExchange will create new queue and consume based on provided routing key.

Health Check

A Health Check API are already declared in following address: {ROOT_ADDRESS}/health and check these services:

  • DNS (ping)
  • Mongo (ping)
  • Ram (Threshold)