Using Nginx and Flask

Primary LanguagePython

1. How do you set up a local Python dev environment?

  • What IDE do you use?
  • How do you set up a Python production environment in Linux?
  • List the CLI commands if possible.

Here are the general steps for setting up a local Python development environment and a Python production environment on Linux involves:

  1. What IDE do you use: Several options are available for Python development, and my popular choice is Visual Studio Code (VS Code). It offers a range of features and extensions for an enhanced coding experience.
  2. How do you set up a Python production environment in Linux:
    • Check if Python is already installed by running python --version or python3 --version. If not, install Python using the package manager specific to the Linux distribution. For example, on Ubuntu, you can use:
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install python3
    • Install pip: Pip is the package installer for Python. Install pip by running:
      sudo apt install python3-pip
    • Create a Virtual Environment: Virtual environments provide an isolated Python environment for your projects. To create a virtual environment, run:
      python3 -m venv myenv
    • Activate the virtual environment using:
      source myenv/bin/activate
    • Install Dependencies: Install the required Python packages for your project using pip. You can specify the packages in a requirements.txt file and install them using:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Set up your project: Create the necessary directory structure for your project and start building your application.

2. Are you familiar with using any Linux distro?

  • crontab
  • ssh
  • nfs
  • nginx

Yes, I am familiar with Linux and some of its common components. Here's a brief explanation of each:

  1. crontab:

    • crontab is a Linux command used to schedule and automate recurring tasks or jobs.
    • It allows you to create, edit, and manage cron jobs, which are scheduled commands or scripts that run at specified intervals or times.
    • Crontab can be used to schedule tasks such as backups, log rotations, data synchronization, and periodic scripts.
    • Crontab can be edited using crontab -e.
  2. ssh (Secure Shell):

    • ssh is a secure protocol that provides encrypted communication between two networked devices.
    • It allows users to securely log into remote systems over an unsecured network and execute commands or transfer files.
    • With ssh, you can establish a secure remote connection to a Linux server or any device that supports ssh.
    • To connect to a remote server using ssh, you can use the command ssh username@hostname.
  3. nfs (Network File System):

    • nfs is a distributed file system protocol that allows you to share files and directories across a network.
    • It enables remote systems to access and mount shared directories as if they were local file systems.
    • nfs is commonly used in Linux environments for centralized file storage and sharing.
    • To mount an nfs share on a client machine, you can use the mount command with the appropriate options and the nfs server's IP address or hostname.
  4. nginx:

    • nginx is a popular open-source web server and reverse proxy server.
    • It is known for its high performance, scalability, and efficient handling of concurrent connections.
    • nginx is often used as a front-end web server, load balancer, or reverse proxy to distribute incoming web traffic to backend servers.
    • It can also be used for serving static files, handling SSL/TLS encryption, and caching.
    • To start, stop, or reload the nginx server, you can use commands such as sudo service nginx start, sudo service nginx stop, or sudo service nginx reload.